Chapter 10: Tr(us)t

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The front door flew open, slamming against the wall.

"Where is she?!" The familiar voice of Joe carried throughout the small house.

"Hello to you too, Joe." Margaret said, smiling while putting cleaning supplies in the cabinet under the kitchen.

"Hello Mrs. Mcneal." Joe said, curtseying. "Where is Violet?"

As if prompted, Violet appeared at the bottom of the stairs and turned the corner, her face fading to ivory as she made eye contact with Joe.

Violet twirled around and shot back up the stairs, screaming as Joe came bounding up the stairs after her, two steps at a time. "Violet!" She screamed, grasping at the back of Violets dress.

Violet pulled her dress out from under Joe's fingertips and slammed the door shut, crawling under the bed and holding her breath.

There was a few seconds of unbearable silence before the door creaked open. "Violet?" Samantha said softly, "where are you? Joe is gone..."

She let out her breath, sliding on her stomach to get out from under the bed.

"Thank goodness." Violet said, smiling at her little sister. "I thought for a second tha-"

"YOU!" Her hands were caught in Joe's grasp as she yanked Violet the rest of the way out.

"Murder!" Violet screamed, pulling against her. "Bloody murder!"

"Oh hush up." Joe grunted, bear hugging Violet so she can't break free. "Thank you Samantha" her voice sung out, "please, shut the door on the way out."

"Traitor!" Violet yelled at Samantha while struggling to break free. "Traitor!"

The door shut, sealing Violet's uncertain fate.

After the door was securely closed, Joe let her go, running in front of the door to block Violet's escape.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" She asked menacingly.

"I haven't-" Violet started to think of a lie but was abruptly stopped by Joe's hand.

"Yes, Violet. You have. In AP Biology you literally sat as far from me as you could." Joe pointed out. "And you almost didn't even show up to Band. When you did you wouldn't make eye contact with me and sat in the back of the class. You always sit in front of me. ALWAYS. And suddenly you aren't talking to me, or sitting next to me, or trying to be around me in the slightest."

Violet looked down, not able to meet her gaze.

"Why?" Joe asked, grabbing Violet's arms.

"Because.." Violet walked over and sat down on her bed, finally looking up to meet Joe's eyes. "Eric.. doesn't like me.. Being friends with Jason." Her voice softened with every word.

"What?" Joe sat down next to her.

"Eric... doesn't want me to be friends with Jason." She whispered the last part again.

"Ha-ha Violet, this was funny when we were children. But we're grown. You need to speak up." Joe grabbed her face and turned Violet's head towards hers. "What did you say?"

"It's Eric." Violet said, Joe slowly let her hands fall from Violet's face. "He doesn't want me being friends with Jason because he is getting jealous."

Joe nodded, staying silent.

"But.. you understand, right?" Violet asked, shifting to turn more towards Joe. "You would be getting jealous over Jason if he hung out with other girls." Violet pointed out.

"No." Joe said, "I wouldn't."


"No." She stated again, cutting Violet off. "I wouldn't. Because I TRUST Jason. There can be no relationship if there isn't trust. He knows that he shouldn't do anything with another girl. So. He. Doesn't." She looked at Violet, pausing between each word. "Why is it different with Eric?"

"He has been hurt in the past-" Violet started, her brain scrambling to think of an excuse.

"So have I." Joe said, " I have been hurt multiple times and that hasn't stopped me from trusting other people."

"Maybe it should have." Violet said, starting to get defensive. "You trusted Ron and look where that got you."

"That isn't fair-" Joe said.

"You crashed and burned. And what about Chad? Or Tyson?" Violet was fuming. Who was she to tell Violet what a relationship was?

"You need to back up before you cross a line. I am trying to help you here."

"By hurting me? You're no relationship expert."

"I am not trying to be one I am trying to HELP-"

"By telling me your failures?" Violet asked.

Joe stopped. Staring at Violet in silence, "It's so you can learn from my mistakes."

Violet rolled her eyes and snorted.

"I can see that you're mad right now-"

"What gave that away?" Violet asked, cocking her head to the side and sarcastically feigning confusion.

"So. I am going to go," Joe decided, standing up and backing towards the door. "And I will see you tomorrow." She stopped, her hand on the handle. "Maybe."

With that, Joe walked out, the door shutting behind her.

Violet walked downstairs, turning the corner to see her mom, standing there.

"What?" Violet asked.

She walked forward, "You know, when I used to fight with my siblings, we would talk it out. Like adults."

"Mom, the last time we had a family reunion you and Aunt Deb got in a fight over the last slice of Pumpkin Pie and it ended in Aunt Deb having a cracked rib and you had a black eye."

"I don't want to hear it from you, Missy." Her mother said, chuckling at herself. "I did win that, though." She said to herself, smiling proudly. "Aunt Deb didn't even know what was coming."

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