Chapter 13: Nothing Is As It Seems (2/4)

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Violet was still in the house she is in now, but she was around four years old. She was riding her yellow, red, and blue plastic tricycle through the streets. Screaming and laughing with glee until her trike caught a small rock in the road, and she was suddenly flying through the air. Her chin slammed against the ground and she got a mouthful of dirt. She blinked, it took a couple moments for her to register the blood and pain, once she did her mother was already by her side, picking her up and carrying her inside all while Violet was wailing in her arms.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Her mother muttered, putting wet rags against her scraped knees, elbows, hands, and her chin and cheeks.

Violet sniffled, her mother wiped her tears.

"Would you like to watch some tv?" She asked, pity remained in her eyes when she looked at Violet.

It was tempting, but Violet shook her head, a determined look on her face. She hopped down from the counter, walking outside to see her tricycle was gone.

Violet walked out to the sidewalk, only to almost get run over by another girl on a tricycle - Which she soon realized was her tricycle.

"Sorry!" The girl said, pulling the bike back to Violet. "I like your bike." Violet studied her quietly. She had short hair, which she most likely cut herself. She was wearing all black, and her body was dirty from being outside the whole day.

She smiled at Violet, two of her teeth were missing but her smile was full of happiness nonetheless. She stuck her hand out for Violet to shake.

"Hi. I'm Alex."

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