Chapter 26: Newspaper Boy (2/3)

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Jade walked down the street, her gold jewelry glimmered underneath each passing streetlight, her black heels clicked on the pavement, letting people know she was coming. Jade's leather miniskirt left nothing to the imagination, the slit that was over her left thigh came up to her waist, baring even more soft skin. To top it all off, Jade wore a black leather crop top with lace long-sleeves, a fishnet pattern wrapping her arms.

She heard the whistles from standbys as she strutted passed them, her chin held high and her hips swaying.

"Hey Baby, how much?" A guy came up and walked next to her, putting his arm around her waist.

Jade laughed, "Too much for you." She whispered

They stopped underneath a florescent streetlamp, Jade got a better look at the man's face, he was young and couldn't be more than a year younger than her. He had unkept brunette hair, his jaw bone strong and prominent.

"Come on" He said, gripping her tighter, "I have some stuff you might like trying."

"Trying?" She asked, raising a brow "I only buy from Jake. Then I know what I'm getting."

"Yeah, shit. That's what you're getting."

"I would love to, but I don't have any money." Jade replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's alright" He said, his hand slowly moving up her torso, "You can pay other ways." His breath was hot against the nape of her neck. Jade smirked, biting her lip and clutching his hands. I could do this... him, she thought, I am definitely not going to buy anything from him, but he might be a nice distraction from all of...this.

She twisted around in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Where should we go?" She asked, he smiled before walking her down the street.

"Lucky for you, I only live a couple blocks from here." He put his arm around her shoulder, breathing in her perfume.

The walk was short, the air crisp and cool. Jade felt like she saw his face somewhere before, but she couldn't put her finger on it. They walked into a small apartment building, the hallway was dreary; cement floors and white walls, with small lights hanging off the side of the walls. Some were out, some flickering.

"Here we are" He said, sliding a key into the handle of the door, "Apartment 187." He opened the door, putting his hand on her back and lightly leading her into the small place. He turned the lights on, they illuminated a small walkway into a room with a bed and a tv, to the left of Jade was a tiny kitchen, to the right an even smaller bathroom.

"Small" Jade noted, sighing and walking forward to inspect the room a little more.

"Make yourself at home" He replied, chuckling at her statement before ducking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. "Want anything to drink?"

Jade looked at him quizzically, "I thought we were..." She raised a brow, putting a hand on her hip.

He grinned "We are. I just figured you might want a drink, first."

"Oh..." It took Jade by surprise, she hesitantly sat on the bed as he came over with two beers, one in each hand. He handed one to her, twisting off the cap of his own before taking a swig. He sat back on the bed, turning on the TV and settling in before looking over at her.

"Are you going to just sit there uncomfortably?" He laughed, patting the spot next to him.

Jade settled in, taking a sip of her drink, her tastebuds jumped. She made a face, holding the beer a little farther away from her.

He laughed again, "It's an acquired taste, and it's also the only drink I had besides water, sorry."

Jade shook her head before gulping, coughing a little bit as the bubbles crowded her throat. "No, no I'm fine." She said, forcing herself to take another drink, "It's... not that bad." She swished it around in her mouth, trying to get used to the taste. "I never got your name" Jade realized, giving him a side-glance.

His face pressed into her neck, she could feel him smile beneath the kisses he was planting and murmured, "Let's focus on more important things... We have pressing matters to attend to." He sighed into her skin, a whisper settling on her collar bones as he set his drink aside and slid his hand up her bare leg.

Jade's breath caught — feeling his calloused hand rub against the soft skin of her thigh. Greedily she ran her hands down his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt and pulling him in closer. Both panting in anticipation and pleasure. His lips trailed kisses and soft bites wherever his mouth could find purchase on her skin. And suddenly, the fabric barrier between the two was gone. They toppled hungrily backwards into the sheets, and into the night. His touch lit a fire beneath her, while hers cooled his core. She arched her back as he ran his fingers through her hair, a smile evident on her face.

"You look so familiar..." She mumbled, tracing his features with her hands, he meshed their fingers together, rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb while his other hand rested on her knee.

"You don't recognize me...?" He asked, looking at her quizzically while a sly smirk played at his lips.

Jade bit her lip, furrowing her brows together. "I don't..." He smiled and sat up, pulling her closer to him, their lips barely touching. Suddenly, the bed lurched forward, slamming against the wall, "What the fuck?" There were sirens outside, Jade jumped up and rushed to the window, only to be greeted with a wall covered with newspaper, blocking any other view from the window. The headlines read: "HIGH SCHOOL TEEN KILLED IN CRASH: ACCIDENT, OR MURDER?"

Jade immediately recognized the man in the bed — he was the one on the front of the newspaper. Eric! Jade thought, That's his name! She turned around to see the man twisted around the sheets in a mess of tangled body parts, his head twisted to one side. There was an indentation on his forehead, blood was accumulating around him from the various cuts and gashes on his body, his head was bruised and his eyes dull.

Jade sat up, sweat beading down her face. She took deep breaths, looking around the room she was being kept in. She laid back on the bed, the sheets wet under her, she draped her arm across her forehead, staring at the ceiling, "Fuck. I'm seeing that freak everywhere!" She muttered

The door creaked open and Emily peeked in, "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, "My parents didn't pay your bail and let you stay here only to have you scream throughout the night." She joked, "What's up?"

Jade sat up, looking over at her. "Just a...weird dream." She brushed it off.

"Are you nervous about the trial?" Emily asked, sitting on the bed. Jade nodded, then sat there and pursed her lips.

"Yeah, but I shouldn't be. I have nothing to be nervous for." She tongued the inside of her cheek, glancing at Emily. "We didn't do anything."

Emily rubbed her arm apologetically, "It's not me you have to convince. It's everyone else — I have known you since we were kids! Of course I think you are innocent. I know you are."

Jade nodded, smiling at her and hugging her. "Thank you" She said, "You have really helped me. You and your family"

"You're welcome. Now, go to bed. You need your sleep" Emily said, smiling before getting up and walking out, shutting the door behind her.

Jade hesitantly laid back down, that stupid kid who died has been haunting her; whenever she closes her eyes he is there, his picture in the newspaper, her dreams, every guy she sees ends up looking like him.

Was it so crazy for her to know she didn't do it, but start believing that she did?

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