Chapter 7: With A Hiked Up Skirt (3/3)

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"Hey.. Can I talk to you?" Joe asked, tugging on Violet's long sleeve purple shirt.

"Sure" Violet said, smiling.

"Come on!" Jason said, yelling and waving his arms sporadically. Him and Eric were waiting at the start of the next hole.

"We'll be there in a minute!" Violet said, giving Eric a thumbs up.

"Yeah!" Joe added, "Violet is having girl problems and Moses isn't here to part the red sea!" Joe made a face after her sentence while some people standing by shifted around, shuffling away from her.

"Really? Why couldn't YOU be having 'girl problems'?" Violet asked, appalled.

Joe dragged Violet to the bathrooms, they waited for three girls to clear the area before Joe grabbed the 'shut down for cleaning' sign nearby, slapping it on the door before shutting and locking it.

"What's going on?" Violet asked, giving a puzzled look at the locked door.

"We need to talk."

"I see that." Violet nodding, waiting for Joe to go on.

"Does..." She took a deep breath. "Does Eric hate me? Or Jason?" She rubbed her arms.

"No!" Violet almost shouted. "Of course not. Why would you think that? At all?" Violet's tone had slight annoyance at the end of her question.

"Well," Joe paused, thinking about what Violet would have as her rebuttal before rephrasing her next sentence. "Okay, I know I might be overthinking this but, just the way that he looks at us. The way that he sneers and cringes whenever you get close to Jason."


"And he rolls his eyes!"

Violet rolled her eyes, unimpressed with Joe's examples.

"Yes!" Joe said, "Just like that."

"You are right." Violet said simply.

"I am? So he hates us?"

"No, that you are overthinking this." Violet turned to go unlock the door but stopped at Joe's next words.

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