Chapter 24: Mushrooms (1/3)

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Chapter 24?!?! Wow!! You guys have come a long way!! Any comments? Questions? CONCERNS?! -- message me or comment below, and don't forget to vote!! :) <3 


The sun was scorching Violet's eyes as the officer's roughly led her outside. "Move!" One of them shouted, the screams from neighbors and questions from news anchors flooded her ears.

"What's going on?!"

"You did this!"

"Did you kill Eric?"


"Are you guilty?"

"Rot in hell!"

"Was he really cheating on you?"

Violet kept her eyes down, stumbling over her feet as the men gripped her arms and yanked her towards the patrol car.

"Get in the back, now. Give her some room, will you?!" Officer Hernandez yelled, pushing people out of the way and opening the back door, pushing Violet's head down as she got in, sitting on the leather seats. She looked around, flashes of cameras were disorienting her, screams muffled, and microphones pressed up against the windows. She glanced and stopped to see one familiar face. Her neck was in a brace, but her smile was all too evident, Violet stared into her eyes as the police pulled the car out and on to the road.

They stood Violet at the back of a lengthy line of people, ranging from old woman with white hair down to little boys just out of middle school. They all had one thing in common, though; a menacing look complimented with innocence.

"Come forward," A lady instructed, the line moving one step at a time. Once Violet made it to the front, and the lady beckoned for her, she plastered a smile on her face as she walked up. I am going to get through this, "Name?" The lady asked as they took Violet's cuffs off, she rubbed her wrists, red marks evident on her skin.

"Violet McNeal"

"And how do you spell that, Miss McNeal?" The way she said her name made Violet cringe; it was flat and grating.

"V-I-O-L-E-T M-C-N-E-A-L" She replied, the smile becoming harder to keep.

The woman breathed through her nose, the sound loud and obnoxious, her eyes lazily scanned the screen as her plump fingers slowly navigated the keys — Violet now understood why it took so long to get through the line.

"What's the nature of the alleged crime?" She asked the officer next to Violet.

"It should be in the report." He chirped up.

"Well, obviously I haven't gotten it."

"Uh..." The officers voice quieted and he leaned forward, "Alleged homicide." He said, standing back.

"Mr. Larson, I can't hear you when you mumble."

Violet shifted and looked down as the officer spoke louder, "Alleged... homicide..."

"Mr. Larson! Speak up!"

"Alleged homicide!" He barked, the room fell silent, the bewildered woman at the desk sat back as everyone stopped and stared at Violet.


"Section 17-19-30." The officer said, pursing his lip.

Just then, another officer came up and dropped off a folder to the woman, who promptly cleared her voice and opened it. "Ah, here it is, Violet Clarissa McNeal" She set the folder down, "I'll get the rest of the information from here. You... go over there."

The officers grabbed Violet by the arms, leading her to the right.

"Next!" Violet watched the lanky boy in front of her step forward, his acne ridden face reeked of boredom, "Please stand on the 'x' and stare into the camera. 3...2...1..." Click! The flash of the camera was blinding, the boys blue eyes went wide, his pupils constricting down to pinholes, "Turn to the right." She stated, click! "Turn to the left." Click!

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