Chapter 8: Where's Your Proof? (3/3)

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"Are you still salty about what Eric said?" Alex asked, looking over at Violet.

"Yes." Violet said simply, her gaze never leaving the Conspiracy Theories: Unveiled and Unearthed show airing on the tv. Her and Alex watched it religiously - every Wednesday at 7:30 pm.

"And this Conspiracy has officially been-" The main actor, named Greg Dubois, paused dramatically, turning towards the camera. "UNVEILED AND UNEARTHED!"

"UNVEILED AND UNEARTHED!" Violet and Alex screamed in unison.

"I knew it was true!" Alex said, jumping up onto the couch. "See! See. I told you. You were wrong."

"I didn't say anything!" Violet protested, laughing. "I didn't. Technically I wasn't wrong."

"You so were."

"Was not."

"Was too!" Alex pointed her finger at Violet, "You said in the beginning of this episode that there was no way that The Moon Landing was faked!" She pointed to the screen, now on commercials. "Proof!"

"I simply stated that it would be tough to be faked." Violet said, "Which it would."

"Admit I'm right."

"I will do no such thing!"

Alex grinned, jumping on Violet. "Admit it!" She said, tickling her sides. "Say I was right! Say it!"

Violet squirmed and screamed, pushing Alex's hands away. "Never!"

Alex's grip on Violet tightened. "I was right!"

"Okay, okay!" Violet squeaked out, trying to regain her composure. "You... were less wrong than I had originally thought."

Alex stopped, falling down next to Violet, knocking some pillows to the floor and pondering what she said. "I'll take it." She sat up, turning towards Violet's figure sprawled out on the couch.

Violet looked at Alex, recognizing her expression. "Please can we not?"

"We need to talk about it." Alex said, twirling her fingers through Violet's hair, something she did quite often.

Seeing no way out of this, Violet grunted. "Fine." She huffed, "I guess we can talk about it."

"What are you going to do?" Alex asked, still enthralled with how long and soft Violet's russet stained hair was in comparison to Alex's short, brunette hair with a tint of burgundy highlights.

"I don't know." Violet said truthfully, she cocked her head, giving a side glance to Alex. "What would you do if you were in my situation?"

"Well," Alex started, "If you MUST know, I would go to the Dollar store, buy one of those fake pregnancy tests, wait for him to get home-"

"Alex!" Violet said, grabbing a small pillow from the ground and throwing it at her.

"Fine, fine." Alex put her hands up in defense. "In all seriousness, if I was in your situation I would be very blatant about what is happening. I would sit him down and... and tell him what is on my mind."

"Thank you." Violet said

"You're welcome!"

"Now tell me something that I would ACTUALLY do."

"Right." Alex said, "Something non confrontational." She sat there, thinking. "I'm stumped." She officially said. "All the outcomes I can think of are either illegal or very, VERY frowned upon in most societies of today."

"Most?" Violet asked, raising a brow in question.

"What can I say?" Alex replied, "I think outside the box."

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