Chapter 17: Jade

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"I'm worried about your daughter." Mr. Bachelor said, pulling a chair out for Mrs. McNeal to sit in.

"Then we are on the same ship. May I ask why?"

Mr. Bachelor folded his hands, clearing his throat before looking back at Violet's mother. "Do you know where your daughter has been for the past week?"

"Yes." Margaret said confidently. "She has done nothing for awhile now, she has been at school and then coming straight home and locking herself up in her room."

"Do you know why?"

"A fight with one of her friends." She said, "Alex, to be more specific."

"Alex Williamson?"

"I believe so. They got in an argument awhile ago."

"Well, that just can't be."

"And why is that?"

Mr. Bachelor straightened his back, rolling his shoulders briefly. "Your daughters actions in class have been.. strange, to say the least; acting out, not paying attention, lately she hasn't been showing up to school at all. Haven't you gotten our messages."

Margaret rubbed her hands together softly, "I don't check them, Violet usually takes care of them...."

He looked at her, unsure of what to say.

"I don't trust them. I know that sounds crazy." Margaret laughed, "Violet tells me everyday."

"Well, we have tried to contact you about this matter."

"Why isn't the principal with us?"

"I'm close with Violet." Mr. Bachelor said, "Not in an inappropriate way, I assure you. But, I figured I know her better than the principal."

Margaret nodded absently. "Well, what are we going to do?"

"Are you sure that's the only reason she has been acting off?"

"If it isn't, then she hasn't told me otherwise."

"Mrs. McNeal...." Mr. Bachelor took a deep breath before continuing. "This isn't easy to say — and I'm no Doctor or Psychologist by any means-"

"Shouldn't the doctor-appointed Psychologist be here? Telling me this stuff?" Margaret asked, clearly confused.

"Yes, but Violet hasn't told Mr. Santos everything she has told me. I feel as if talking to him would be of no use to you."


"With that being said, from what your daughter has been willing to share with me, I believe I know what happened..."

Violet wiped the tears off her face, sniffing and wiping her nose with her sleeve. The cold wind stung her face as she stumbled down the sidewalk, the city lights flashing and blinding her briefly.

Violet lived up North of downtown, her trips down here were far and few between. But here she was, staggering down the sidewalk of an unnamed street while hordes of homeless people watched her quietly, unsure of her state of mind.

If Violet was being honest, she was unsure, herself. She has been losing herself. Her mind kept trampling itself whenever it was being dragged back to that night.

Violet looked around at the unfamiliar place she was in, unfamiliar people surrounded her. She knew she didn't belong her, but at this current moment she wasn't sure where she belonged.

"Hey sweet baby." A deep, low voice came from behind her. Violet turned around only to be faced with a man - who reeked of vomit and alcohol. "What are you doing out here?" His grin was a few straggled teeth, and an emptiness that made Violet cringe.

Violet stared into his eyes, they were tinted with malicious intent. "I.. I don't know." She admitted, looking around.

"Well, why don't you come with me?" He advanced towards her slowly, his figure towering over her. "We'll have some.... fun."

"Bridget?!" Violet turned to see a girl with blonde hair walk up to her - her tight shirt and shorts left little to nothing to the imagination. "Oh my god! Where have you been, girl?!"

"I'm sorry?" Violet asked, looking around before realizing the girl was talking to her. "I think you may have the wrong person-"

"-Well obviously! The Bridget I know can handle her liquor without running off all over the place!" The girl threw her arm around Violet, winking at her kissing her cheek before staring at the man smugly.


"Sorry." She said to the man, pulling Violet closer. "She's taken." The girl winked at the man before twirling Violet around and walking her across the street. Once they were a moderately safe distance from the man, she let go of Violet. "What were you thinking?"

"I..." Violet was still registering everything in her mind.

"Being at Second Avenue all alone? You must have a death wish." The girl laughed and pulled out a cigarette and bringing it to her lips. "You got guts, I'll give you that." She lit the cancer stick, sucking in a lungful of smoke a closing her eyes in semi ecstasy. "So, what's your name?"

"Violet." She whispered quietly, looking the girl up and down.

The girl stuck her hand out in a loose handshake. "Jade." She replied, "What were you doing down here, anyways?"

Violet looked down at her shoes, thinking about her response. Why WAS she here? She didn't really have a good reason... Or any reason, for that matter. She sighed, before simply saying, "Just curious, I guess. I live up North and don't really come down here all that much."

Oh.." Jade grinned, stomping out her cigarette. "Well then, let's make this a night to remember, shall we?" She linked her arm with Violet, pulling her back on to the sidewalk and heading down the street. 

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