Chapter 12: The Slap Heard Around The World (1/2)

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Alex laughed. "New fashion statement? Why the sunglasses? It's cloudy!"

"My eyes are really sensitive to the light right now." Violet said, forcing a smile at her friend.

"I get it." Alex said, "Hang over! Come on, don't be such a baby." Alex reached up to grab them. "Let's see those gorgeous-"

"No!" Violet yelled, flinching and effectively stopping Alex's advances. "Please, Alex, let's not do this right now. My eyes really hurt."

"O..kay.." Alex said, dropping her hands to her sides. They walked towards the swing sets, "Joe and Jason still talk about you." She said thoughtfully, sitting down on one of the swings. "They want you to come to Jason's for football tonight."

"Alex." Violet sighed, pushing off and softly swinging. "You know Eric won't let me."

"Since when has he dictated your life?"

"I love him."

"And we all love you." She said, pushing off the ground with much more force than Violet. "It's just sad seeing you so.. Trapped."

"I'm not trapped." Violet protested. "I just... I hate confr-"

"-ontation. You hate confrontation. I know." Alex cut her off. "I remember." Alex stared down at the ground. "It just sucks. I have to deal with their gooey, lovey-dovey relationship without you."

"What about Emily?" Violet pointed out.

Alex snorted. "Yeah, okay." Their swings fell in sync. "It's not the same. You are so much fun. Emily is like a tired, old, sea-witch-hag-lady."

"Very descriptive."

"You know what I mean." Alex said. "You're irreplaceable."

Violet slowed to a stop. Her hands dropping into her lap. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Alex said, grabbing her hand.

Violet pulled her hand away. "This is my fault. If I hadn't met with you guys at the Ice Cream Shop-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Alex interrupted, "if anything this is Emily's fault. She's the one who sent the picture in the first place."

Violet perked her head up. "No.. she didn't..."

"Yes.. she did." Alex said, nodding. "I remember. I saw her send it to Eric after you left."

"Oh my god."

It's here! This! Pictures!

"Pictures." Violet said, "Pictures. Not picture. It was plural. He only showed me one."

"What?" Alex asked, "Violet you gotta speak up."

"Eric and I got into a fight. He said he had the proof in pictures, but he only showed me one that he took."

"Wait he was there?!"

"Across the street." Violet got up, turning to Alex. "Alex, Emily sent him the picture we all took... Whether he was there or not, he still would have found out."

"Well, let's go."

Violet looked at Alex, taking a deep breath. "To do what?"

"Confront her." Alex replied, determined.

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