Chapter 11: Ambushed (1/3)

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"It's weird seeing you two like this." Jason said, looking between Joe and Violet.

Joe looked at Violet, sitting across the lunchroom with Eric.

"It's making me uncomfortable." Alex chimed in.

"I think it's wonderful." Emily said pointedly, setting her tray down and smoothing her dress. "We don't need that negativity anyways. Let her go ruin her own life, fine by me."

"God, will you just shut up already?" Joe asked, turning to face a bewildered Emily.

"I'm just speaking my mind." Emily stated.

"The whole reason it's your 'mind' is so that it can stay there. In your head. With your thoughts. Silent."

"Shut up." Emily replied

Violet turned around, looking over at Joe and Jason before looking down and turning back towards their table.

"This is ridiculous." Jason said, getting up.

"What? Jason where are you going?"

"Jason, don't."

Despite everyone's protests, Jason walked up to Violet.

"Hey, stranger." He said, grinning and waving at her.

"Hey." Violet smiled, perking up at his appearance.

"That whole 'stranger' thing is for a reason." Eric said, staring at Jason.

"Come and sit with us." Jason completely ignored Eric. "We still have a seat for you."

"Only because no one wants to sit with you guys!" One of the players yelled out, the whole table erupted with laughter, excluding Violet, who sat there, her gaze shifting between the table she was at and the table she belonged.

"Get lost, BoZo." Eric said, kissing Violet's cheek.

"Well," Jason took a breath. " if you change your mind, you know where to find us." He smiled, turning around and walking back to the table.

"Well?" Joe asked, "How did it go?"

"I have a new nickname" Jason said, "BoZo."

"The only BoZo here is you!" Alex yelled out, leave it to her to make a scene. She ended up giving the middle finger to Eric before sitting back down.

"I can't believe we lost her that quickly." Joe said, playing with her food.

"We didn't lose her." Alex countered, "We know where she is, she just has yet to find her way home."

Emily made a fake puking sound, "I don't know about you guys, but I actually have an idea." With that, she got up, strutting out of the cafeteria. 

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