Chapter 14: They Didn't Even Get My Name Right (3/3)

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"We are on to Chapter.." Mr. Bachelor said, skimming the pages in the book. "Ah! Here we go." He looked over at Violet, who was staring at the book, unblinking. "Miss McNeal?" He asked, waving his hand in front of her face. "Miss McNeal!" He snapped, causing her to jump and look around wildly.

Once she made eye contact with her teacher and realized where she was, she took a deep breath, smiling nervously. "Sorry." She said, lightly shaking her head. "I was off in my own little world, haven't been getting much sleep lately."

Mr. Bachelor licked his lips, pursing them before sitting up and closing the book. He sighed, looking down at Violet.

"Why did we stop?" She asked, looking strangely at him.

"Violet, what's going on?"

"Nothing." She said, brushing it off. "I"m fine, just a little tired. Now come on!" She said, feigning excitement and slapping the cover of the book. "Let's get a crackin' on-" She leaned over, reading the title. "-The Dangers and Joys of Relationships.... and.... Sex..." She got quieter with each word, sitting there awkwardly.

"Well." She started, grabbing her bag and spinning around on the stool. "This was fun, unfortunately I have to go-" Mr. Bachelor pulled her back by the straps of her book bag.


"My mother is outside." She protested.

Mr. Bachelor looked at her, clearly unamused. "Violet you took a break over the course of three weeks and you're a bad liar." He stated plainly, "I know your mother doesn't get off work until 5:00."

"How do you..."

"You would know this if you came to Parent Teacher Conferences."

Violet sat back down sheepishly, not making eye contact with him.

"What's going on?" He asked, leaning down to try and meet her gaze which was glued to the table. She was idly picking at the spine of the textbook, which was falling apart.

She shrugged. "Nothing much, what's goin' on with you?'

"Violet." He started, "I know what's happening."

Red flags. Violet's mind reeled with excuses. Red flag, red flag, BURNING CRIMSON FLAG HERE!

"I haven't the slightest idea what you're going on about." She said, straightening her back and opening the book, she patted the pages. "Now now." She looked up at him. "Back to telling me awkwardly about the joys of sex."

"See, if you were paying attention." Mr. Bachelor started, flipping the book to page 657. "You would know that we already passed that."

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