Chapter 16: A Stranger (2/3)

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"It was a dream." Eric said, rubbing Violet's arms. "Babe." He grabbed her, pulling her closer to him. "Violet, it was a dream. You're okay now."

She was shaking violently, sobbing into his arms. "It was so real..." Violet wiped her eyes, taking deep, wavering breaths. "It was so real..."

Eric rubbed her arms, laying his chin on her shoulders as he breathed in her scent - she smelled like peppermint with a bit of vanilla.

Violet sighed, trying to calm her breathing.

"Babe, are you okay?" He asked, gripping her tighter.

"I don't know..." She muttered, pursing her lips. "I need to get some air." She shrugged out of his arms and stood up.

"Hey..." Eric said, squeezing her hand. "Lay back down."

"I don't want to." Violet pulled her hand out of his.

Eric stood up after her, pulling her back into him. "Come on." He whispered, "Let's go back to bed." She pulled Violet back.


"I can make you feel.." He kissed her neck, his hands grabbing her waist. "Feel.."

"Eric stop."

She slid his hands up her thighs, "so... so good." He kissed her neck and yanked her against him.

"Eric!" Violet pulled herself out of his grasp. "Stop!"

Eric yanked her back onto the bed, twisting on top of her and pulling her tank top up while he pushed her pants off her waist.


Violet struggled, fear took hold of her as Eric yanked her arms behind her back.


Eric let go of Violet's arms and yanked her head up, with his hand wrapped around her throat he kissed her cheek as his other hand snaked up her torso.

"Violet?" Her mother rushed in, looking worriedly at her.

"Mom" Violet was sobbing, her breath catching in her throat. "I need help.."

"Why?" Her Mother asked calmly, brows furrowing together in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Violet took a deep breath, staring at her mother with pleading eyes.

"I don't know what you want me to do." She said to Violet, walking over and sitting down next to her.

"I don't know..." Violet brought her knees up to her chest, feeling sick. "I have never had a dream like that... With Alex..."

"Here, why don't you come downstairs with me. We'll have a midnight snack! I'll make you favorite - Muddy Buddies!"

"That's okay." Violet said, hugging her knees and shrinking herself down to almost nothing.

Margaret's face filled with worry, her heart heavy as she stared at the person her daughter had become - a stranger in her own bedroom.

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