Chapter 22: Your Fault (3/3)

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"Violet!" Margaret yelled from the kitchen, taking a deep breath before straightening up. She waited, not seeing her daughter. "Violet! Hurry down!" She walked over and stood patently at the bottom of the stairs, watching as her daughter — finally — emerged from her room; the bags under her eyes weighed down her eyelids, her face was void of all makeup, her hair was unkept, and the stains on her clothes gave away that Violet hadn't changed in days.

Margaret forced a smile on to her face, although her daughter didn't look to well, it was nice seeing her daughter at all. "Violet, dear, get ready." She stated, her daughter furrowed her brows together.


Margaret smiled, "Sweetie, I know you've had a rough past couple of days... I know today was the funeral, and you missed it..." Her voice faltered, she cleared her throat, "But" She took a deep breath, "your father and I decided we want to do something special for you. To get your mind off of everything — even for a little while." She pulled two tickets out of her apron.

"The Yorkshire Seasonal Extravaganza?" Violet asked, staring at the brightly patterned yellow and blue tickets.

"Remember?!" Margaret asked nostalgically, "Your Father and I used to take you there every year! With all the lights, the little local shops? You loved it, and I figured we haven't been there for a long time so..."

Violet smiled, her mother looked so excited — plus, it might do her some good to actually get out of the house. "Okay, I'll be back down soon. I have to get ready first — meet you in 20?"

Margaret's eyes sparkled with hope, her daughter's going to be okay.


Jade laughed, smoke leaking from her lips as her eyes drooped.

"I mean, aren't you scared?" Harry asked, grabbing the joint from her and taking a drag, he held his breath, "That would scare the shit out of me."

Jade shook her head slowly, her eyes staring at the bundle of small paper tabs sitting neatly on the table. "I'm not scared." She grabbed one, gingerly setting it on her tongue, "That bitch is crazy. Whatever they think this is, I had no take in this. They don't have anything on me." She smiled at Harry, craning her neck back as she felt the paper slowly dissolving in her mouth.

Harry took another hit, looking over at her. "I don't know, them lawyers can come up with some crazy stuff to convince people. One time, Wyatt got convinced that he broke into some place he has never even heard of."

Jade sighed, side glancing at the blond sitting next to her, "The difference between us, Harry, is that Wyatt is an imbecile. Whereas I, an intellect, am going to go free. I know what I'm doing." She got up, walking to the bathroom. She shut the wooden door behind her, locking it and turning to straighten her hair out in the mirror. She took a deep breath, staring at her expanded pupils, her emerald iris a thin ring around darkness.

"Jesus..." She muttered, gripping the sink and staring down in to it. Turning on the faucet to wash her hands, she gasped and backed away in horror, out of the faucet came not clear crystal water, but the faucet was, in fact, gushing thick velvety red — blood. Crimson stained her hands, wedging underneath her finger nails, coagulating in the lines of her hands. Dropping down to the tiled floor, Jade hit the wall, watching as veils of scarlet ribboned down from the sink, collapsing against the cold tile and pooling around her feet. Slowly, Jade got up, her feet sloshing through the puddle.

"What the fuck?" Harry said, banging on the door.

Jade jumped, staring at the door before turning back to the faucet.

"Jade! Why is the water running?" He asked through the other side.

She inched towards the sink shaking, only to see the crimson that was running through the tap had become faint, murky tap water. A bead of sweat dropped down jades forehead as she slowly turned the faucet off, the bottom of her pants soaking up the spilled liquid. 

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