Chapter 11: Ambushed (3/3)

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Eric sat there, smiling at Violet. "Where were you?" He asked, getting up and kissing her.

"Just went to the Ice Cream shop." Violet said, smiling back at him.

"With who?" Eric asked, looking at his phone.

"No one."


Violet froze, her eyes widening. "What... What do you mean 'huh'?"

He knows.

"This uh..." Eric stopped, turning the phone sideways. "This uh.. This doesn't look like no one." He turned the phone around to show Violet. She grabbed it from him and saw her with Emily, Alex, Joe, and Jason. All sitting outside the shop, all laughing.

But the photo was taken from across the street.

"You were spying on me?!"

"You just showed me that I can't trust you!" Eric said, yanking his phone back from her grasp.

"Yes you can!"

"That what I used to think!" Eric stood there. "Violet there was one thing I asked from you. One. And you couldn't even do it."

"Okay, but that was a lot to ask!" Violet said defensively. "That's like me asking you stop playing football!"

"How is that the same at all?" Eric asked

"Football makes you happy, Joe and Jason make me happy."

"YOU make me happy." Eric said, "But... I just don't know if I can keep doing this when you're lying to me-"

"I'm not lying!"

"I have the proof right here!" Eric yelled, gesturing wildly to his phone. "It's here! This! Pictures!"

"Well what were you even thinking? Following me?!"

"What were YOU thinking?! You COMPLETELY disobeyed me!"

"Disobeyed?" Violet said, walking towards him. "Let's get one thing straight - I am not yours. I am mine. I am my own person. I give myself to you; you don't own me."

"Yes." Eric met her halfway, his hands balled into fists. "I do." 

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