Chapter 23: Nostalgia (3/4)

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Violet fell to the dirt ground below, a scream emitting from her lips.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Violet!" She looked up to see her mother's face appear in the crowd that gathered around her, concern clouded her features.

"Mom!" Violet gasped, looking up to see the police officers grab the girl behind her.

"You have the right to remain silent," A chubby, blond officer started to say as he cuffed the blonde girl, dragging her away. His partner walked up to Violet, holding his hand out for her.

"Sorry about that, Miss, we didn't mean to startle you."

Violet grabbed his hand, getting up, "That's okay, I'm just... a little shaken up is all."

"That girl was running behind you, so I can see why you thought we were chasing you."

Margaret ran over, grabbing Violet's face, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, mom."


"McNeal" Violet said, shaking the officers hand.

"Miss McNeal... Why did you run?"


"Well, you obviously thought we were here for you.... But you ran. Why?"

"I..." Violet didn't have an answer, why did I run? "I just thought with how frequently I saw cops, there was someone dangerous."


"Yeah... Also, in the movies whenever a cop speaks into his radio, something always happens!" He laughed with Violet.

"I'll give you that." He smiled and tipped his hat to both of them, "You be careful now."

"Will do, officer!" Margaret said, nodding back to him.

"I think it is time to go." Violet said to her mother before walking towards the exit.

They pulled on to their street, black and white police cars caught the eyes of the neighborhood.

"Mom, why are they at our house?" Violet asked, looking over to see her worried mother as they parked in their driveway.

"Mrs. McNeal?" A raven-haired officer knocked on her driver window, Margaret rolled it down, "We need to take Violet in for questioning."

"Again? Why?"

He looked over towards Violet, "New evidence has surfaced and we need to speak with her."

"With all due respect, Mr. Hernandez, it is almost eleven at night! Can't we do this some other time?"

"I'm afraid not, Miss." He nodded to the officer on the other side of the vehicle who opened Violet's door for her.


"It's okay, Mom." Violet said, smiling at her, "I'll only be a little bit."

Violet got out, walking towards the cars.

"Have a nice night, ma'am."

"Oh you better believe I am coming with you!" Margaret said, putting her car in reverse and watching in the rearview mirror as Violet was put in the back of the police car.

Violet looked out the window as the car pulled away, the familiar faces of her neighbors all staring at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Violet!" She looked around to see a brunette on a bike riding after the car, "Violet! What's going on?!" She stared through the window — Alex

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