Chapter 3: Watch Art Dance

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Violet sat in the thicket of the forest, her back resting against the rough bark of an ash tree. Her sketchbook was perched on her legs, a charcoal pencil in her right hand while 'The Struggling Perfectionist' was poised in her left.

Violet was in the middle of drawing a certain scene that stuck out to her - it was one where Adam and Chloe were fighting. There were screams echoing through the room, punches were being thrown, it was a repeated scene. The book was a myriad of abuse after abuse, but for some reason Chloe stayed. Violet always wondered why, if all the signs in your life are trying to steer you away from that, would you ever stay?

A couple of leaves crunching behind Violet made her lose her track of focus, a line of charcoal smearing across her masterpiece.

Crap. She thought, turning her head to see Joe smiling and waving at her. "Sorry!" Joe said, she walked over, gingerly stepping around some patches of fallen leaves. Her dark blue skinny jeans clung to her legs as her oversized gray sweater hid her hands by a couple inches of fabric. "I was trying to be quiet, so as not to disturb you." Joe said, finally making it over to Violet.

Violet moved her stuff out of the way, scooting over. "No" she said, "You're fine. I was just doodling."

"That is a pretty realistic doodle." Joe said, "can I?" she asked, reaching her hand out. Violet shrugged, handing her the sketchpad, "The Struggling Perfectionist." Joe recognized the scene instantly, staring at the drawing. "I like it."

"Thanks" Violet said, "It's the scene wher-"

"-re they are fighting in their yard. One of the many fights, may I add." Joe said, side smiling at Violet. "Read the scene. I want to watch the drawing dance."

Violet cleared her voice, "Chloe's arms didn't do much damage - and she wasn't that good at aiming for Adam's face through all the tears...

The drawing didn't actually 'dance', of course. That's just something Joe always said to Violet, she was a very visual person. Violet would create the art and Joe would "watch them come to life."

"I hate you!" She screamed, her body wavered but her voice stayed strong. "What does she have that I don't?!" She said, gritting her teeth. "Huh?!" She hit Adam's chest again.


"Don't you DARE 'babe' me." Chloe said, "what does she have?!" She pushed Adam. "Answer me!"

Her knuckles connected with the side of his face - his head twisting to the side.

Adam turned back to her, "I'm sorry."

"You're pathetic." Spit flew from her mouth as another fist collided with his Adam's face.

People just watched. 

Violet stopped, closing the book and looking over at Joe.

Joe was staring at the drawing, silent. "That was..." She sat there, smiling. "...Beautiful. And intense. You really outdid yourself on this one, Violet." She handed the sketchpad back - shifting her position. "I love this book."

Violet gave her a weird look.

"No, I don't love the abuse. I just love it because... You hear the title and you think of a girl, you think of a girl who is smart or a really good athlete and she is struggling with something. Then you learn it is about abuse and you assume it is the girl being beaten by her boyfriend when in reality the boy is the struggling perfectionist and he is the victim of abuse."

"It definitely is a page-turner." Violet agreed.

"So" Joe said, drawing out the 'o'. "You know what we haven't done in five-ever?" she asked, perking up at her next thought.

"Found a will to live?" Violet asked, skeptical.

"Damn, that was dark. But no." She stated seriously, "sleep over with my main!" She squeezed Violets arms, excitedly shaking her until she lost balance. "What do you say to you, me, Alex, and Emily all at Emily's house tonight. We can watch scary movies, eat popcorn, wear our onesies, and reminisce about how much sketchy stuff we did when we were younger."

"That..." She paused, "sounds great. Actually."

"Really?" Joe asked, somewhat surprised.

Violet nodded, laughing at Joe's reaction. "Yes. Really."

In all honesty, Violet was going to say no. She didn't want to hang out with friends tonight. She wanted to stay home, inside, and just sit alone. In her room, with her thoughts.

That, to her, is a wonderful night of adventure.

But she knew her parents would complain - they have been doing that alot lately. She figured she need to get out of the house anyways.

Joe's smile reached her ears as she pulled Violet into a big hug - almost suffocating her. "Good." She said into Violets ear, "I've missed my best friend." 

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