Chapter 8: Where's Your Proof? (2/3)

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 "I don't understand." Margaret said, staring at her distraught daughter. "So he thought you were cheating?"

"Yes," Violet started, "Well. No. He didn't actually say that he thought I was, but I could tell it." Violet said surely, "I know."

"So you're saying you don't know."

As much as she hated admitting it, Violet's mother was right. Violet didn't actually get accused of cheating - Eric just said her and Jason were really close. Violet jumped to the conclusion of him assuming she was cheating, how guilty did that make her look?

"You are thinking irrationally." Her mother said, wiping her hands on her kitchen rag. "If Eric was close with other girls, would you be jealous?"


Margaret stared at her teenage daughter, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms. "When you were five you used to hit me when I kissed your father because you didn't want him giving his attention to any other girl except you. You would always talk to him and when he wasn't around, the only thing you would ask me is 'where is dad?', and now you're going to stare me in the face and say that you wouldn't be jealous?"

Her mother had a point.

"But still." Violet said, annoyed that her mother was right.

"See it from his point of view." She said, "take the high road. A little soap and water never killed anybody."

Violet took a deep breath. Her mother, no matter how cliche her words were, was right. Violet needed to talk with Eric. She needed to apologize. 

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