Chapter 21: 1313 (2/2)

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"What the-" She heard Miss Blackwell's voice behind her as she burst through the doors, running at full speed. Violet rounded the first corner she saw, slowing down before her eyes glued on a label "STAIRS" Violet pushed the door open, getting inside and shutting it closed — fast and quietly. She crouched, her back against the wall.

1313. She thought, gritting her teeth before opening the door a poking her head out. She glanced left and right before tiptoeing out of the stairwell.


Violet looked at the first door she read, 0157. 0 — that means that we're on the first floor. Violet turned back in to the stairwell, taking the stairs two at a time.

She reached the next floor up, walking out and up to the door across the hall. 1150 then one to the right read 1153 - go right. Violet thought, turning and making her way down the hallway, She made sure to stare down at the ground, only glancing up when she needed to check the room number on her way by.

"Miss?" Violet nearly jumped out of her skin with the sudden voice that came out of nowhere. "Miss?" She hesitantly looked into the face of a short brunette, she roughly came up to Violet's nose. "Do you need help?"

Violet stood there dumbstruck, debating if she should speak at all. "Umm... yes." She finally managed, straightening up, "Yes. I can't find Emilia Johnson."

"And you are...?"

"Her... sister." Violet bit her tongue, wondering why she couldn't just keep walking.

"Oh." The nurse said, blinking before looking Violet up and down. "She didn't say anything about a sister."

"Adopted." Violet piped up, smiling.

"Of course. Right this way Miss Johnson." The brunette walked in front of Violet, her pace was much faster than Violet's so she had to walk quickly to keep up with her. "Here we are." The nurse said, stopping in front of a door that looked like all the rest, the only difference was the bolded numbers on the surface: 1313

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