Chapter 18: Baking Soda and Rubbing Alcohol (3/3)

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Violet screamed, her head poking out of the sun roof of "That was so.. exhilarating!" Jade pulled her back down, laughing.

"So who was that person, anyways?" She asked, looking over at Violet briefly before gluing her eyes back on to the road. "What did you do to him? I didn't even see you go in to his house. You just went to his car with...those giant things." Jade nudged her head to the object at VIolet's feet.

"He one." Violet said, shrugging. "He is no one. No one worth mentioning, anyways."

"Fair enough." Jade replied, winding down the long road as Violet laughed her intoxicating, vodka filled laugh.

Violet quieted down, staring out the window at the bare wasteland in-between her town and downtown; it was empty. It was so empty, and the grass was so yellow and brown and dead, it was sad and pathetic - and Violet just stared. She stared, and took it all in. This view, although it wasn't top notch, was a view nonetheless. A view that some people now didn't have the chance to ever see again.

"Here." Jade said, she handed Violet a small tray with three lines of powder. Violet stared at her, her mind foggy. "It will help take the edge off." She grinned, Violet took the tray shakily.

Jade pulled over, turning toward her. "I don't want you to spill." She smiled, holding Violet's hand steady. "So, here's what you do. You take this-" She held up a small straw, the tip of it was flaked with residue from her last session. "-And, see this line? You set one end of the straw here, at the beginning and you.. just.." Jade leaned down, putting the end of the straw in her nose she dragged it along the line of coke and inhaled deeply. She leaned back, sniffing a couple more time before wiping her nose and holding the straw out for Violet. "If you want an extra bump, then just rub some-" She picked up some left over granules of coke and rubbed them on her gums. "on your gums." She ran her tongue over her gums, looking over at Violet.

Violet was nervous, starting to shake her head.

"Hey" Jade said, looking her in the eyes. "You're okay. You're safe, I'm here. I'll help you through it." She smiled at Violet; it was a sincere smile, the kind that you get when you're welcoming an old friend. It made Violet feel at home.

She leaned down, replicating what Jade did. Her nose burned, and she thought she was going to sneeze.

"And then you.." Jade picked up the left over line and rubbed it along Violet's gums somewhat forcefully. She perked up, "There you go! It will kick in in a little bit."

Violet gulped, setting the tray in Jade's lap and wiping her nose. Jade got back on the road heading downtown, she grabbed Violet's hand in her own. "I'll help you feel free." She whispered to her, squeezing her hand. The cocaine burned Violet's nose, it started to drip into the back of her throat; it tasted like baking soda mixed with rubbing alcohol, but Violet's mouth and nose started to feel numb almost instantaneously.

Violet got a sudden rush of euphoria as the car sped down the paved road. Jade looked over at Violet and started laughing; it sounded like sugar and honey dripping from her lips. Violet loved it, the air smelled like nectar.

She sighed contently. "I like being free..." She whispered, she stuck her hand out the window, watching it get thrown around by the wind.

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