Chapter 1: Led By Flowers...(1/2)

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She turned around to see the man twisted around the sheets in a mess of tangled body parts, his head twisted to one side. There was an indentation on his forehead, blood was accumulating around him from the various cuts and gashes on his body, his head was bruised and his eyes dull. 

Chapter 1: Led by flowers⚘ ⚘ ⚘

"Well?" She asked excitedly, grinning and clasping her hands together. "What does he have planned?"

"Susan," Violet said, laughing, "For the last time, I have no idea what Eric has planned! I really - I don't know." Violet rested her palms on the edge of the granite kitchen countertop as Susan rested her arms on her hips.

"Come on." Susan dragged the 'n' out, "You and my son have been best friends since you were children and then started dating YEARS ago! If you don't know him like the back of your hand by now, then you are not doing your job correctly."

Violet smirked, "He's just so spontaneous. Everything is an adventure with him." As if on cue the front door opened, they both turned to see Eric standing there. His bulky blue and white football uniform made him look bigger than he actually was. Violet grinned and ran towards him, swooping her up into a hug, he spun her around before setting her back down on her feet.

"Hey!" He said, kissing her on the lips.

Violet shivered, "How was practice?" She asked as she ran her hands through his short brown hair.

He shrugged. "It was good, got three touchdowns." He walked in and threw his helmet on the couch, he struggled with taking off the rest.

"Awe!" Susan gushed, she put her hands over her mouth, "my little baby is growing up." She walked around the counter to hug Eric, who was towering over his 5'7 mom at 6'3. Violet would be lying if she said she hasn't sometimes gotten intimidated by him.

He laughed and hugged his mom, she pinched his cheeks when they pulled away. Susan playfully hit his shoulder then looked at Violet, knowingly. Violet shook her head.

"Eric, where are you taking Violet?" Susan asked.

Eric looked at her, puzzled.

"You know," Susan walked back towards Violet, "for your anniversary!" She turned around, her arms shaking above her head in an exhilarated sort of way.

Eric stood there, he looked like a deer in headlights as all the blood fell from his face.

Realization set in, "you forgot.." It wasn't a question.

He didn't have to say anything, his expression said it all.


"Eric Tyler Stanson!" His mother roared, her voice ominous with disbelief, "You better not tell me you actually FORGOT your ANNIVERSARY?!" Susan was fuming.

"I.." He started to walk towards me.

Violet was out the door before he even got halfway across the living room.

"I thought I raised you better than this..." Susan's voice faded as Violet walked home. 

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