Chapter 25: The Absolute Best (2/3)

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Sorry I haven't been posting super consistently, I have been crazy busy with work! (snore.) But I will prevail! 

any thoughts on who the culprit is so far? Keep me posted and give your guess in the comments! :) 


 "A million dollars?!" Alex said, astounded, "I thought that is was illegal for bail to be at an unreasonable amount?"

"She killed someone-" Jason cut in.

"Allegedly" Joe corrected, "she allegedly killed someone."

"The judge sees the crime and picks an amount." Jason continued, "Usually murder is set a lot higher than something like petty theft."

"Plus she killed Eric so-"

"Allegedly!" Joe said again, glaring at Emily, "We don't know until court."

"Well, whether she did or not, it was Eric. He was very well-known, you guys. There is no doubt that the judge knew who he was, this is a small town, everyone knows him. He was going to be drafted right out of High School-"

"So the judge used lack of better judgement just because he knew the guy?" Alex asked, annoyed.

Emily shrugged, "Sure. I wouldn't have had bail if I was that judge. No amount of money can bring back the pain and sorrow of his family and friends. I, for one-"

"Go shove it, gutterslut" Alex stated, pantomiming a blowjob to her.

"That's not even a real word..." Jason whispered to Joe.

"Alex!" Joe said, "Come on, we need to figure something out."

"Yeah" Emily said, matter-of-factly.

"Emily, seriously you need to stop talking." Alex stared at her, her tone dropping.

"What's gotten into you?" Jason asked

"Her!" Alex shouted, pointing a finger at Emily's shocked face. "I honestly don't even know why she is still around! Why did you guys drag me to come visit her? All you do is put people down, you're rude and degrading and no one likes you!"

"You need to calm down." Joe said, grabbing Alex's shoulder.

Alex ripped Joe's arm off of her shoulder, "You are the reason this happened, you know that, right?" She stalked towards Emily, her face inches away, "This whole thing is because of you. Eric is dead because little Miss Harlot couldn't care to keep it in her pants."

Emily froze, all traces of blood leaving her face.

"Emily, you didn't..." Jason said, staring at her, "Please tell me you didn't."

"So Violet was right." Joe said. "You really were sleeping with Eric? Who does that?!"

Emily looked around, her eyes wide. "You guys have to go." Emily said, pressing the button for the nurse, "Now". 

"Hello, Miss McNeal" A man bald man with small glasses walked into the room, he was dressed in a suit with a suitcase he set on the ground and sat down across from her, "My name is Jerry Wilbur, I am your attorney for this case."

"I don't have enough money to pay you." Violet stated, "So thank you, but mainly, no thank you."

Jerry laughed, before looking at her again "I am doing this for free. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to work on such a high file case like this."


"You allegedly murdered Eric Stanson, this is high file." He pulled out some paper and looked over them for a minute before folding his arms on the table. "Tell me everything."


"Everything" He repeated, "If we are going to have any chance at winning this case then you need to tell me everything."

"Okay, my name is Violet McNeal, Eric Stanson and I were dating for four years and now he is dead and everyone thinks I did it."


"I don't know."

"I'll tell you." Jerry flipped a couple pages and adjusted his glasses, "They have evidence against you, Violet."

"Like what?" Violet asked, nervous.

"Well, let's see: They have your fingerprints on the garden clippers, the metal on the tip was matched with the residue found on Eric's cut brake lines, they have motive, they ha-"

"Motive? What fucking motive could I have?"

"Jealousy — that's usually the prime one everyone goes with, and it usually works. They also have-"

"But I didn't do anything."

"Look. Annually, there are around 10,000 to 20,000 wrongfully convicted every year. We just need to make sure you aren't one of them."

"And how do we do that?"

"We'll figure it out." Jerry replied, "If you are innocent, you have nothing to worry about." He smiled, clearing his throat.

"When is court?"

"Well, we need to go to a pre-trial — nothing big, just small. Then we actually go to court. Now, it looks like they also have witnesses, and-"

"What witnesses?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You said they had witnesses, what witnesses?"

He read down the list, "Emilia, Alexandra, Jason, Joe, Margaret-"

"My friends and family?! Can they even do that?"

"We have witnesses of our own." He reassured her, smiling knowingly.


Jerry sat there, comparing the lists side by side, "The same people. The only one we don't have on here is Emilia. Huh, not surprised."

"Why are you not surprised?" Violet asked, confused.

"Because her family is the ones who hired Jade's attorney for her." 

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