Chapter 13: Nothing Is As It Seems (4/4)

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"What?" Alex finally asked after a couple seconds of silence. "He... he what?"

"Please don't make me say it again.." Violet whispered, shaking profusely.

"Violet... Why didn't you tell me before?" Alex asked, sitting her up.

"Why didn't I..." Violet thought over her question, "This...this is a really hard thing to talk about-"

"I know, Violet. But... it has been three weeks.. Are.." Alex paused briefly, "...are you sure you're remembering it correctly?"

"Alex..." She couldn't believe her friends accusations. "Of course I remember it. Some things you just don't magically forget. We drove home in his truck, we got to his house at 11:06 - no one was home." She closed her eyes, trying to erase the memory. "Of course I remember. It still haunts me. Every time I close my eyes, I see his body over me.. Grunting.. And moaning... I can still feel his nails and, and his fists.. His breath on the nape of my neck, the grit on his fingertips..."

"Well..." Alex sat there, silent. "..maybe.. I don't know... Did you do something to maybe...?"

"Yes, I did." Violet replied.

"Well, there you go!" Alex pointed out.

"I said no. I said stop. I screamed and screamed and guess what?! It still happened. Don't you dare ask if I did anything to provoke this. We had just barely gotten in a fight for God's sake."

"I'm sorry." Alex replied, sitting up on her bed. "I'm sorry that happened to you. You're strong, though. Stronger than a lot of people. I know I couldn't ever go through what you have been through..."

Some people would take that as a compliment, but to Violet it was just another way of saying, 'Sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad it didn't happen to me'.

"What are you going to do?" Alex asked, grabbing Violet's hand.

"What can I do?" Violet asked, looking up at Alex then back down at herself. "I have no evidence. I have nothing."

"You have me."

"What would you do?"

Alex sat there, pondering the question. "I.." She faltered. "I am not entirely sure." Alex jumped off her bed. "Go get the cops? I'm going to go freaking call the co-"

"No!" Violet screamed, grabbing Alex's arm in a python-like grip. "Please... I don't want to get anyone else involved."

Alex slowly walked back towards the bed. "I don't know what to do." She admitted, defeated. "I don't.."

"Just please, give me an idea."

"I don't know!" She said, her phone rang. "It's my mom, I have to be home."

Alex turned back towards to the door, pausing briefly to turn around and say with a sly smile and a joking tone, "I would cut his brakes, or set his house on fire or something."


"Look Violet, all I know is if you don't do something, I will."

After the failed attempt to lighten the mood, she left, and with that Violet was alone with her thoughts; the one place she didn't want to be right now. 

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