Chapter 19: Chandler (2/3)

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 "His name is Chandler and I loaded a bowl just for you." Violet leaned forward, falling on Jake's lap. "Okay." He said, holding Violet up and laying her back against the couch. "Here, let me help you." Jake pushed the opening over Violet's mouth, making sure it was a secure seal between Violet's mouth and the glass. He started lighting the bowl. "Just...breathe in." He instructed, pulling the bowl out and watching Violet inhaled deeply and slowly, Violet didn't want to be here anymore. "There you go." Jake cooed, "Again." Violet tried to pull away, she wanted to go home, but Jake pushed her back into the couch and held her so that all she could do was breath in the smoke. "It's going to help you, I promise." He whispered.

Everything started to appear in slow motion, the room was moving and peoples voices were warped and distorted. Violet dully noted that when people moved, their actions soon followed thereafter with a delay. Jade's rapid moving made her seem like she had super speed, she would appear standing, but Violet could swear that Jade was just barely getting off of the ground.

"Jake, what the hell are you doing?" Jade asked, pulling Jake off of the couch and crouching down by Violet's knees, trying to make eye contact. "Violet? Violet, are you okay?" She asked, holding Violet's head up, her eyes were glazed over and she was silent.

"Relax." Jake said, smiling and looking at Violet giggle. "Look at her, she is having a blast! I'm helping with the come down-"

"No, you sick dickhead. I am helping her with the come down." Jade showed Jake the water and Advil. "It sucks, but it is something everyone needs to experience. You just got her more doped up." Jade rubbed Violet's face with her thumb. "Jesus, Violet." She said, as Violet was sitting there, her eyes stayed open and become glossy with dead thoughts, her smile was gone and Violet was just staring at the wall. Her mouth was slightly open, but she wasn't moving.

The only way Jade could tell Violet was alive was the shallow movement of her chest rising and falling with every slow, steady breath.

"That's some potent shit." Jake said, amazed at the effects. "Damn."

"Jake, that wasn't just weed, was it?"

"No" Jake said, sighing. "It wasn't."

"What the hell was in that?" Jade asked, glaring at him.

Jake clenched his jaw, starting to feel sorry for Violet. "It was just a mix of some stuff to help with the downs of...this." He gestured to Violet's current state. "I just wanted to help." He rubbed the back of his neck, worried.

Violet's heartbeat increased rapidly, she was sweating and felt like she was going to puke. But she couldn't do anything. She could just sit, breathing irregularly and watching the world through emotionless eyes, people came and went, in speed and slow motion.

There were a series of lights blinking from outside, Violet heard a weird, mangled noise coming from cars as people suddenly became blurs of motion. Violet sat, trying to remember to blink and breathe.

A loud crash made Violet jump as black figures came running through the broken door, people were dropping and running all around Violet.

"Go go go!" A low voice resonating through Violet's mind, she shakily stood up and stumbled to get to the side door.

"Oh no you don't!" A mangled voice growled as a hand wrapped around her arm, yanking her back. 

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