Chapter 7: With A Hiked Up Skirt (1/3)

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"Emily has been avoiding me like the plague." Violet said, staring down at her shoes.

"But." Alex countered, "Is that really such a bad thing?" She grinned, nudging Violet. "Come on, you can't be THAT sad. Are you doing anything fun with Eric?"

"Yes." Violet said, suddenly remembering her plans. "Yes! Thank goodness. Something to get my mind off this.." Her voice drifted off. "Whatever this is."

Alex shifted on Violet's bed, twisting the white comforter peppered with colorful flowers. "It will pass. Was Emily really that good of a friend? I don't mean to be rude, but what she did to you was unspeakable. And the fact you still got with him-"


"Just hear me out." Alex continued, "Close your eyes."

Violet closed her eyes, sighing in slight annoyance.

"Now - imagine you are back at that party at... whatever that guy's name was." She laughed a little. "Here you are, young and just wanting to be loved. Just a lil ol' bean tryna find a soulmate; you have your eyes on a boy, who is named Eric Stanson - you just get enough liquid courage to go talk to him. You're weaving through the crowd...."

November 18th, 2007

It was only a 'hi' - that's it. That is all I need to do.

Violet thought, the shaking of her hand was causing ripples to form in the red solo cup that was holding all her hopes in the form of cheap beer.

Come on. You have said hi to him over a million times - this time, you just gotta add a little more umph!

Now, Violet wouldn't normally ask out guys. It is usually the other way around.

Okay, that was a lie.

Violet swirled the drink around. She rarely got asked out, and when she did it was usually by the guys who got picked to play the triangle in the school band.

It's not like Eric was picking up on any of the hints that Violet was blatantly displaying; touching his arm, playing with her hair, laughing really really hard at his jokes (most of which were pitiful laughs).

He just didn't understand.

Boys just don't understand.

But that's okay, because Violet understood. She understood that she liked Eric, and she wanted him to like her back.

And that is what was going to happen.

She weaved through the crowd, her eyes darting towards the living room.

"Violet!" She turned around to be met with Emily, who crashed into her, causing her drink to spill all over the floor; they both ended up going down with the liquid.

"Sorry" Emily said, helping Violet up.

"It's okay."

"What are you doing?" She asked, her eyes gleaming.

"I was just about to go to Eric, but I can't find him anywhere." Violet said, her eyes still scanning the crowd.

"Well" Emily started, "I was just about to go get more drinks but since my eyesight is immensely better than yours - no offense - why don't you go get the drinks?"

"None taken." Violet smiled, "I'll be right back!"

"I'll buzz you when I see him" Emily said, waving her phone around before slinking through the house.

Violet grabbed two cups, frothing at the brim. "Emily did you fin-"

She stopped, mouth open in the middle of her sentence.

In the corner was Emily, her skirt hiked up to her upper thigh as she straddled Eric -- he was pushed further back into the couch as Emily advanced, their lips sloshing together in a drunken collision of saliva and lust.  

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