Chapter 13: Nothing Is As It Seems (1/4)

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"I'm not a violent person. I just snapped, that's all."


"No Dr. Santos, I'm not. I wouldn't hurt a butterfly."

"Miss McNeal, you have three eyewitnesses — four, including him, that all attested to you hitting Eric."

"So now I have to go to a school-appointed Shrink?" She asked, "I'm not violent. I'm not deranged, I'm not psychotic."

"No one here is saying that you are except you." Dr. Santos studied Violet, staring straight into her eyes.

Violet sat there, she had repeatedly told them she was fine, but everyone insisted she come here.

"Why did you do it?" Dr. Santos asked, he clicked his pen, ready to write.

"I..." Violet sighed, finally giving in. "I don't know. It just.. Happened."

"Maybe you were upset?"

"Yes. Yes, I was upset. I was mad. I was frustrated because he.. He wouldn't let me speak."

"He wouldn't listen."

"Not at all."

"And that made you mad?"

"I think we figured that out when I hit him three weeks ago." Violet said, "That made it pretty clear." She sighed, annoyed. "You ask the same questions in all of our sessions."

"And then what happened?"

"Everything just.. Stopped." She sat there, grinding her teeth. "Eric insisted that we ride home together, so I told Alex to go and got into his truck."


"Then we went to his house."

"And... talked?"

"Yep." Violet responded shortly.

"Is that all?" Dr. Santos asked, noting her long sleeve shirt. "Change of style?"

"It's just a shirt..." Violet shifted, pulling her sleeves down into the palm of her hands.

"Violet, usually people don't just change their style in a course of three weeks. A style is a part of who you are, and a part of you is someone who wear dresses, or skirts. You're wearing long sleeves and pants." He pointed out.


"Did you know-" Dr. Santos clicked his pen then continued,"-on average, nearly 20 people per minute are phys-"

"We just talked!" Violet bursted out, "I'm not the victim here. I hit him."

"In the driveway of Emily's."


"But what about after?"

The bell rang, signaling the end of school.

"I just want you to know that I'm here." Dr. Santos said, watching Violet carefully.

"Thanks. I'll remember that." Violet grabbed her bag and got up, "I need to go... for an assignment."

"Your arm is hurt." He pointed out, "You're right handed and you picked up your bag with your left hand."

Violet walked out silently.

"So, what happened?" Alex asked, looking at Violet.

"We just.. I don't know." She admitted. "It all happened so fast."

"No, after the whole driveway thing, but that was pretty awesome. I didn't know you had that in you. Seemed like you scared Emily pretty badly, too." Alex laughed, thinking of Emily's expression after she saw Violet hit Eric.

"We just went to his house and talked it out."

"So, you guys are all good now?" Alex asked, turning to face Violet.

"Yes," Violet said, but her voice wavered.

It was slight, but Alex caught it. "What's wrong?"

Violet took a shaky breath, debating if she should tell her or not.



"Violet? What's wrong?" She shook her head, looking down. Alex lifted her chin up to looked her in the eyes. "You can tell me."

"I..." She stopped.

"Violet, I'm your best friend." Alex stated.

"I can't."

"Do you remember how we met?" Alex asked, thinking back.

Violet nodded, smiling.

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