Chapter 8: Where's Your Proof? (1/3)

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"What do you mean 'I don't know'?" Violet was fuming, after all they had been through and Eric went behind her back instead of confronting her.

"Look, Babe, I get that you're mad but you need to understand-"

"Understand what?!" Violet asked, crossing her arms — trying to remain calm. "You don't get to go around intimidating my friends like that."

"How do you think I feel?" Eric asked, taking a step forward. "You're always hanging out with them. Always."

"I NEVER get to see them-"

Eric held up a finger, stopping Violet. "You're close to Joe, I get that. But being close to Jason is a whole different topic."

"He's my friend!" Violet said, surprised. "Plus he is dating one of my other friends - I am not a home wrecker nor do I have any intention of being one." She stated.

"It's just weird."

"No, what is weird is you talking to my friends behind my back."

Eric stood there, shocked. "I only did that because I knew if I talked to you we would get in a fight!"

"This fight is only happening because if what you did!" She pointed out.

"What I did?" Eric asked, "Let's talk about what YOU have done; our first Thanksgiving together — as a couple — and you left me high and dry at my house. My mother made extra food, we left an extra seat, we waited and waited, and for what? For you to, instead, be over with Jason."

"He was going through a rough time-"

"Prom, Junior year, Forever and After came on that is our song and I look over to see you dancing with Jason."

"You always refused whenever I asked you to dance, anyways!"

"But that was our song. And you danced to it with someone else. Someone who wasn't me."

Violet grabbed her jacket to leave, pushing past him.

"Babe, I'm sorry." Eric said, panic in his voice he grabbed her arm. "I love you."

She stopped.

"I know that was wrong. Okay? I know it was a bad thing to do — especially when I didn't tell you first. Please don't go. Just..." he paused, "Let me make it up to you?"

Violet sighed and turned around to be greeted by Eric's smiling face, his trucks car keys dangling off of his fingers.

"It isn't that easy." Violet said simply, turning and walking out. 

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