Chapter 23: Nostalgia (2/4)

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 "Look at your eyes!" Margaret said, pointing at the drawing, "They are so big!" She laughed, gripping the picture and staring at it, "So big, so beautiful."

Violet grinned — she had to admit, the artist was phenomenal in her work. She got everything right, from Violet's doughy brown eyes all the way down to how the sides of her "cupids bow" flattened.

The more Violet looked around, the more she realized how cozy this place was; Christmas lights lined the tops of the tents, and although it was far from the next Christmas, they seemed to fit in with the atmosphere, singers crowded the fire, the light from the embers illuminated their faces as they sang tunes of nostalgia — all off key, all out of pitch, all perfect.

"Are you hungry?" Margaret asked, looking at her daughter sway to the tunes.

"Sure!" Violet said as they walked towards a small tent, soft light lit the inside as the aroma of warm, seasoned grilled food wafted out the front of it.

"Greetings!" A tall, dark-skinned man smiled at them, "How many?"

"Just two" Violet piped up.

"Perfect, right this way."

Once they ordered, Margaret sat there, smiling at Violet.

"What?" Violet asked, laughing, "Why are you staring like that?"

"You grew up to be a stunning girl, you know that?"


"What? It's true! I, personally, think it's because you didn't get any physical aspects from your father." She winked at Violet, laughing before taking a drink of her water.

Violet laughed with her, "Thank you. From what I can tell I think I will age well, too!" She leaned over the table towards her mother. "Also, I am pretty sure that our waiter was definitely checking you out."

"What, Him? Oh no Violet, he is way too young!" Her mother wiped her mouth with the her napkin, "I am happily married. And you will be, too!"

"Oh, I don't know about that." Violet said

"You will." Her mother said confidently, nodding her head, "You just need to find Mr. Right. Whoever that may be."

Violet sighed, I thought I already knew.

Violet looked up, her eyes catching the police officers from before, staring at her. Violet pursed her lips and looked back towards her mom. "Will you excuse me? I am going to go to the restroom."

Margaret nodded, "Be quick, though. I might not be able to hold myself back from your plate!" She chuckled to herself.

"Have as much as you want, I'll be quick." Violet got up, kissing her mother on the cheek before turning to leave, all while attempting not to make eye contact with the officers.

Violet glanced over to see one of the officers say something into this radio before they started walking towards her. Violet slowly quickened her pace, weaving through the tables and chairs.

"Hey!" Violet heard a rough voice from behind her say, she didn't turn her head. Violet just broke through the tent and just started to run, she darted in-between the crowds.

"Hey! Stop!" The same voice screamed, Violet's breath caught in her throat as the people became a blur. "Stop right there or I'll shoot!" Violet felt her heart was going to punch through her ribs and hit someone.


Everything slowed. 

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