Chapter 15: A Little Note (1/3)

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Violet was watching the gray clouds roll in when she heard her mom scream for her in the back. Violet ran out, running up to her mother. "Yes?"

"Violet." Her mother said, sitting up on her knees. "I love garden work, you used to, as well. Now." She turned around, grabbing hedge clippers. "Take these and start trimming the bushes, dear."

Violet sighed, she loved her mother but she did not love working. Especially when a storm was about to annihilate the blue sky; Violet wanted to watch it.

"Run along." Her mother said, putting the next lilly in its rightful spot in the ground. "Before the storm hits."

Violet clipped the small branches of the bushes, trying to make sure they were as flat as possible. She looped around the last corner, on the last of the bushes that bordered the front yard.

"You missed one." Violet spun around, pointing the hedge clippers dangerously in the direction of the voice.

Joe jumped back. "Settle down there, crazy eyes." She said, smiling at Violet.

"Joe!" Violet said, dropping the tools and running to hug her. "Goodness, Joe I missed you." Violet let go, smiling at her friend. "What's up? What are you doing here?"

Joe shrugged, the smile never leaving her face. "I just wanted to come by and say hi to my friend! Is that such a crime?" Violet relaxed. "But also..."


Joe bit the inside of her cheek, looking around. "You're boyfriend came to talk to me."

"He's not my boyfriend." Violet stated firmly.

"Okay, then your self appointed boyfriend came to talk to me."

Thunder clapped in the distance.

"What did he say?"

"Can we go inside?"

Violet looked at Joe, then the bush, then nodded at Joe and abandoned her post. She was almost done anyways, so it wouldn't really matter. Violet picked up the clippers, bringing them inside and up to her room.

"So." Joe said, sitting Violet down on the bed with her. "He came over-"




"Today, probably around 5?"


"In his car...?"


"Well if you decide to let me finish my sentence, then I can tell you." Joe said, staring strangely at Violet. "You're totally stalling."

The sky became gray.

"No I'm not."

"You totally are."



Violet sat in silence, the only thing making noise was the rain against her roof; which was steadily increasing from a trickle to a roar. She then slightly nodded her head for Joe to continue.

"So. Anyways, Eric came over today. And he apologized."


"Yes!" Joe said, "He said he was sorry for being rude to Jason and I, and he said he was sorry for stealing you away from us and isolating you and he was sorry if he made us feel bad! And I mean all of us; me, Jason, Alex, you. Even Emily! Violet, he was crying! He actually has a heart!" Joe laughed. "It might be black, but still!"

"What else happened?"

"Ummm..." Joe sat there, chewing the inside of her cheek. "Oh! He had a message for you." She stood up, pulling a paper out of her back pockets and giving it to Violet.

Violet took it from her cautiously, then opened it.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. - W. S.

"William Shakespeare." Violet said quietly, folding the paper in her hands and bringing them to her chest. 

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