Chapter 23: Nostalgia (4/4)

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"Miss McNeal, nice to see you again." Marissa said, her mouth a thin smile.

"Mr. Hernandez-"

"Officer Hernandez." She corrected Violet, tapping on her badge, "It's just more respectful that way."

"Sorry, Officer Hernandez said you had more evidence?"

"Yes, we'll get to that later, though. Right now I just want to talk."


"I do have to advise you of your rights, though."

"Am I under arrest?" Violet felt like she was going to puke.

"I'm just advising you of your rights. When we're done here you could walk out of here and go home, okay?"


"You have the right to remain silent Violet, okay?"

"I know that one."

"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Law, do you understand that, Violet?"

Her palms started to sweat as her heart beat spiked, "Yes."

"You have the right to counsel — to consult a lawyer before answering any questions and have a lawyer with you during any questions; do you understand that?"

"So should I have a lawyer, then?"

"You have the right to one."

"I understand that, but should I have one? Right now?" That's when Violet realized how alone she was; she didn't have her mom to help her, or Alex, or Joe, or Jason, or even Emily. She was alone.

"If you would like one you can..." Marissa arched an eyebrow, "Do you, Miss McNeal? Want a lawyer?"

Violet shifted, "I feel like if I ask for one, I'll look guilty. But if I don't..."

"Innocent until proven guilty, Remember?" Marissa smiled.

Violet nodded, gulping.

"If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you."


"If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Do you understand your rights as I explained them to you, Violet?"


"Okay. So do you want to talk to us? I know it's late, and you probably want this to be over with as soon as possible."

"Well, what choice do I have?" Violet laughed, "I'll talk to you."

"Perfect. I just have a few questions, just to be able to gauge the situation. Okay?"

"Okay. Let's get to it."

"In our last questioning, you said you knew Jade a long time. But Jade said she met you a couple days before you were reported missing. Why did you lie?"

"Would you go ride around with a stranger that you just met, in a city you barely know?"

"No, but this isn't about me, Miss McNeal-"

"But you can admit — it looks a little weird."

The officer nodded, sighing, "Yes, what did you and Jade do?"

"We hung out. As I stated before."

"You identified this man," she pulled out the same picture of the brunette kid — Jake, "correct?"

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