Chapter 25: The Absolute Best (3/3)

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Violet walked in to the courtroom; it consisted of herself, her attorney Jeff, Jade and her attorney, a judge, and two security guards.

"Will the defense for Violet McNeal please step forward?"

Violet stood there while Jeff walked forward

"How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty, your Honor"

"You may return. Will the defense for Jade Brown please step forward?"

Jade's stocky, sweaty attorney waddled forward.

"How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty, your Honor"

The judge sighed, writing something down and setting his pen down, pulling his glasses off. "What is this about?"

"I would like a motion to transfer." Jeff stated

"Why is that?" The judge asked, raising one brow.

"Well, as you know, Yorkshire is a very small town."

"It is." The judge agreed.

"And everyone knows the victim, Eric Stanson, as well as the alleged criminals here, Violet McNeal and Jade Brown."

The judge nodded, understanding where the lawyer was going with this.

"So, essentially, everyone on the jury will already have a preconceived idea of who she is."

The judge looked between Violet and Jade "Mr. Wilbur." The judge started, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Yorkshire is a small town, but seeing as how I don't even know the victim and perpetrators, I think they will be fine-"


"Dismissed." He clapped the gavel against the counter.

"Your Honor, you can't be serious-"

"I said DISMISSED, Mr. Wilbur. Now you can go on your own or I can have one of the officers here lead you, I don't have time for this".

Jerry grumbled something under his breath and turned to walk out, one of the officers grabbed Violet while the other grabbed Jade. He led Violet through a wooden door on the left while Jade when through a similar door off to the right.

Violet was shuffled through the prison corridor, the cement walls and floor absorbing the screams and hollers from the other inmates. She kept her head hunched between her shoulders, her eyes stuck to the ground. The guards stopped in front of a cell, letting go of Violet to unlock it.

"Hey..." It was faint, but it caught her attention. Violet looked up to see a woman in the cell they stopped in front of, her brown eyes were full of curiosity and staring at her, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Violet..." She said, mustering up some courage to meet the woman's eyes.

The woman smiled, "Violet... that's such a pretty name..." She sounded as if she was talking to herself, rather than Violet.

"Back against the walls, inmates." The guard said, opening the door as the three other girls in Violet's cell stood against the walls, "Get in." Violet shuffled in, her arms to her side as she warily stared at everyone.

Once the door closed, a small girl bounded up to her, laughing and hugging her. "I'm Annamae!"

"No touching, inmate!" The guard barked, ripping the door open again. Annamae put her hands up, slowly backing away and grinning.

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