Chapter 15: A Little Note (3/3)

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"You WHAT?!" Alex screamed, her eyes wide.

"I helped them?" Joe said, unsure of her answer once seeing Alex's reaction.

"By getting them back together?" Alex clarified, fuming.

"Yes...?" Joe crossed her arms. "Alex, I don't understand why you're getting so upset."

Alex paused, debating if she should tell Joe or not. "Because..." She shifted uncomfortably, "I.. I don't know.. I just never liked Eric."

Joe rolled her eyes. "Alex. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HELPED THEM GET TOGETHER IN THE FIRST PLACE. I'm basically you-"

"No. No, you're not. I did that before Eric-" Alex leaned forward, stopping her sentence.

Joe paused, too. Narrowing her eyes. "Before Eric... what?"

"Before Eric..." Alex dragged each word out, her eyes scanning the room. They landed on Joe's fish tank, and then a fake skull. "Tried to... drown her?" She asked, squinting her eyes at the crappy lie she just told.

"Eric?" Joe asked, "Tried to drown Violet?" Clear disbelief in her tone.

"Uhhh huh." Alex perked up. "Yes. Yup - let's go with that. I got them together.... before... Eric tried to.... drown... Violet." Alex clenched her jaw and puckered her lips once she realized how ridiculous that sounded.

Joe, not convinced, stalked towards her. "Alex, what really happened?" Alex looked around for a way out, her eyes zoning in on the door. "Alex. I'm in lacrosse. Do you think you actually have a chance at-"

Alex was out of her seat one second, then landing on the bed the next.

"-at getting passed me?" Joe asked, planting herself firmly in the middle of the room.

Alex glanced at the window.

"Really?" Joe rolled her eyes. "It's that bad?"

Alex took a deep breath. "I promised Violet I wouldn't tell anyone."

"I"m not anyone." Joe stated. "I am your friend. And friend's don't keep secrets."

Alex stayed silent.

"Fine." Joe brought her phone up to the face. "I guess I'll just text Violet and ask her myself-"

"No!" Alex screamed, sitting up. "Please, Joe."

"Then tell me."

"You know I can't do that."

"Fine. 'So, Alex was telling me some stuff..." Joe started reading out loud what she was typing. "What happened between you and Eric?'" She made eye contact with Alex, her finger hovering over the send button.

"You wouldn't."

"Wouldn't I?" Joe asked, her finger slowly descending, getting ready to send the message.

Alex took a breath, rolling her eyes. "Fine. Okay, okay. But you can't tell anyone."

"Okay." Joe replied simply, shoving the phone back in her pocket.

"Joe." Alex said, her voice wavering dangerously. "I'm serious. Not a soul - not even Jason."

Joe furrowed her eyebrows together, worried about what Alex was going to tell her. She nodded.

"Pinky promise?" Alex stuck her hand out, her pinky standing up prominently.

"Pinky promise." Joe repeated, locking their pinky's in a death grip as Alex pulled Joe on to the bed with her. 

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