Chapter 96

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The walls of the prison were brick, cold and rough looking. Barbed wire circled around the top of every wall. It was windy and there was a stone and eerie feeling about this place. I pulled my coat around my body, keeping my head down low. My heels clicked across the dirty floor, echoing down the long dark hallway.
I was allowed 15 minutes with Justin. It wasn't anything like visitation with Ryan. This time, we were being monitored in a small and private room. It was terrifying. I didn't bother putting on any makeup, i could see my dark eyes contrasting against my pale face through the mirrored windows.

Two guards escorted me to the room, i passed cells with prisoners dressed in orange jumpsuits. They sat in the corner of the their cells, curled up in balls looking angry, scared and alone. Justin can't end up like this. He has so much more to offer, nothing to offer in a state prison.

I took a deep breath before stepping into the room and mentally prepared myself for what i was about to face.
The door buzzed after a guard punched in a four number code. I walked inside and kept my eyes and head facing the ground.

I looked up and Justin was sat at a table, both hands cuffed in front of him. The fluorescent glow from the orange jumpsuit reflected off his skin. He looked destroyed, broken.

I sat down on the other side of the table and looked into his eyes. They were red, and looked as if he had just been crying. I placed my hand on his, and let a tear roll down my cheek.

"I promise you i'm going to find a way to get you out of here. Soon they'll figure out she's lying. There has to be proof somewhere."

He nodded, his eye was swollen even more than it was this morning.

"Justin, look at me."

He looked into my eyes. "I have this ring for a reason remember, i love you. Don't forget it."

The right corner of his lip turned up a little, i couldn't help but let a small smile appear on my face too.

"I love you too."

"Dis they ask you about your black eye?"

He shook his head.

"Tell them, i'm telling you, you have a chance of taking her down and proving her lies aren't true."

"I know."

All his answers were short. Not that i blamed him, he looked to shocked to even speak. He was probably still processing everything that was going on.

"What about my show tonight?" He asked.

"I'll take care of it." I smiled, putting one hand on his shoulder.

"I'm letting so many people down, i don't deserve to be in here. I'm innocent Jess and i'm afraid you're the only one who believes me."

I sat back in my chair, thinking of one possible way that i could prove Justin's innocence. Then it hit me, there has to be a security camera in the hall where Sam left the room. It will easily show, she's not in pain and that she was lying.

"Jess what are you thinking about?" He asked.

"I think i thought of a way to prove Sam's lying." I said, becoming confident i can get him out.

"Time's up!" A guard said, standing in the doorway.

I looked at him, "I'll see you tomorrow okay? I'll tell you about it then!"

I walked over and hugged him tightly, burying my head in his shoulder. "Hang in there okay?" I said, lifting my head up.

He leaned in and quickly pecked my lips. "Be careful, and stay away from her."

I nodded and blew him a kiss. He smiled and then was escorted our of the room by a tall, bald guard.

I gathered my purse and walked out behind him. I hurried out of the creepy building and got back into my car, heading straight for the Hollywood Bowl.


"My name is Jessica Rogers, i have a security tape that may prove the innocence of Justin Bieber." I said, to the policeman sitting at the front desk.

He never seemed like a happy man, but then again if i worked in a prison i wouldn't be content either. But then i looked at the family picture next to his computer. They all were smiling, looking happy. I wanted that for Justin and I one day.

I was brought to a room, where there was a TV, a table and two chairs. Nothing else. I took my seat and then waited for the guard.

"Hello," he said, sitting across the table from me.

"Hi." I greeted quietly.

We watched the tape and it showed Sam walking out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Although she showed no pain, the security officer kept a blank face.

"I'm afraid that won't be enough Ms Rogers. There's no realistic proof that Justin never hit her, unless there was a camera in that room. I'm afraid there's nothing more i can do."

My heart sank at the mention of his words. Once again i felt let down, another attempt failed. "Thanks for your time." I said, rolling my eyes to myself.

There has to be some other way that i can prove it. I walked out of the prison for the second time today, feeling more discouraged than i ever had.

Short but i wanted to do a little update after today's all the comments looked like people were itching for more! I'm so glad you guys like it:) Continue with the votes and comments!!!

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