Chapter Ninety-Four

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter Ninety-Four

"Edward, come help me find a hotel that the girls will appreciate," Emmett snickered. I followed him into the office and he logged on to the computer. "We've got to find something to cater to the princesses."

"Let me guess, expensive?" I asked.

"Bingo," he said, typing into the search bar for five star hotels in Rome. "You and bambina seem very, very comfortable with each other. Have you sealed the deal?"

"Emmett!" I admonished.

"What? I haven't gotten laid so I'm living vicariously through you," he laughed. "I went back to the garage where that blond hottie who fixed your car to see if she was interested, but the owner said she had to go home, back to Iowa or some shit like that. My dream girl is in the middle of the country and I'm here."

"Sorry, Emmett," I said, patting his back. "You'll find someone."

"Perhaps I'll find someone tonight, unless I'm bunking with you and bambina," he said, giving me a wry grin.

"Don't make me hurt you."

Emmett smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. As he searched for a hotel, Carino hopped up onto my lap. After having her for roughly three weeks, I had gotten used to her. I only had to take a single Zyrtec in the morning to survive her kitty assaults. "That cat is attached to you, Edward. Damn."

"I don't know why," I said, petting her back.

"Bella thinks it's because you fed her after you found her. I guess the way to cat's heart is through their stomach," Emmett said. "What about this place? Hotel Hiberia? It's in downtown Rome."

"Call them. See if they have four rooms available for the next two days," I said, leaning back on the couch in the office. Emmett picked up the phone and in flawless Italian spoke to the concierge of the hotel. With a wide smile, he hung up the phone. "We good?"

"We're golden. You won't even have a roommate," he teased.


"Seriously, though. You and Bella seem so much closer," Emmett said, his face sobering. "Do you love my cousin or is this just a game for you?"

"Jesus, Em. It's not a game. I truly care for your cousin. I would die for that girl," I said, shooting up and stomping over to the window.

"Do you love her?" he pressed.

"I care for her deeply. I've never been in a relationship and I don't want to jump the gun and say yes," I answered, denying the truth. I did love her. I couldn't let him or anyone know. My feelings could get us all killed. "Emmett, I'm still trying to sort out everything that I'm feeling. Don't push me."

"Okay, I get it," he sighed. "You do love her but you're denying everything."

"Seriously, do you want me to kick your ass?" I asked flatly. He just smiled sweetly, whistling as he left the office. Carino gave me a look. "I know, you got my back, cat." Carino's tail flicked proudly and she nuzzled my legs. Picking her up, I walked toward my room with Bella and found two small roller suitcases. Bella was in the bathroom, humming quietly. I knocked on the door.

"It's open," she called. I put Carino on the bed and went into the bathroom. Bella was doing her hair, wearing one of my button down shirts and seemingly nothing else. Her little ass cheeks peeked out from the bottom of the shirt. "Hey, angelo, you get a hotel room?"

"Yeah. We're staying at the Hotel Hiberia," I answered. "Emmett got us four rooms." I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You okay, Edward?"

"You know I care about you, right?" I asked her.

"As I care about you, too," she whispered, staring into the mirror, directly into my eyes. "Did Emmett give you the third degree?"

"Kind of," I shrugged, pulling the shirt off her shoulder and languidly kissing her sweet-smelling skin. Slowly, I moved my lips up to her jaw, gently cupping her face to look at me. I stared into her deep brown eyes before I kissed her lips three times.

I. Love. You.

It'll have to be the only way I can say it for now, possibly forever.

A/N: Pictures of the Hotel Hiberia are on my blog. Link's in my profile. You can also find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation or on twitter: tufano79. Leave me some lovin!


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