Chapter Twenty-Five

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter Twenty-five

Edward quickly removed his hand from mine and he picked up a set of keys. "Your dad wanted us to use his car. Something about it being bullet proof or something," Edward shrugged. "He's staying in today and finalizing arrangements for Billy's funeral."

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"He gave me the keys, grumbling about his arm itching like a bitch and taking some more pain meds before going back upstairs," Edward said. "Where does Angie live?"

"Five minutes from here," I said, picking up my purse. "Ready?"

"Yep," he said as he picked up his cell phone, wallet and my dad's car keys. We went out to the car and Edward helped me into the passenger seat. Gracefully, he slid into the driver's seat and backed out of the garage. His car was parked outside. It looked all sorts of wrong in our driveway. Yes, it was a Mustang but dude, can't you afford a paint job? "Why are you scowling at my car, Bella?"

"That's a travesty, Edward. A '68 Mustang should not look that crappy," I said.

"I'm saving up to get it repainted," he said as he finished backing out of the driveway. "Where to?"

"Oh, head south and then take the first left. Angie's house is the last one on the block," I explained. Edward nodded and easily followed my instructions, parking in Angie's driveway. She saw my dad's car and skipped out of the house. She looked cute in a pair of pink skinny jeans, a pink halter and a khaki cropped motorcycle jacket. "Hey, girl. I like the outfit."

"Thanks," she said as she got into the backseat. "Who's this?"

"Oh, my new security guard," I said. "Edward, this is my best friend and cousin, Angie Cristifiori. Angie, this is Edward Masen."

"Nice to meet you," Edward said smoothly, giving Angie a smile.

"You, too," Angie said. "Why so early, Bella?"

"We've got to go to Vincenzo's to get Edward a suit. He's a pall bearer for Billy's funeral," I explained. I pressed a button and Betty, my dad's GPS fired up. "She'll give you directions, Eddie."

"It's Edward," he grumbled. "I hate the name Eddie. Brings back memories of...never mind. Just call me Edward, please?"

"Sure," I said, looking at him at his brusque explanation. Angie and I prattled on about our plan of attack as Edward drove us to Vincenzo's. He'd been outfitting my dad since he was a little boy. He was the best tailor in the city. I just prayed that he had something ready-made for Edward. We didn't have time to have something custom sewn. Forty-five minutes later, Edward parked in front of Vincenzo's store. I hopped out and strode through the door. Vincenzo was already at his sewing machine, cursing a blue streak. "Uncle Cenzo," I sang.

"Bella Bambina," he smiled as he got up. He kissed my cheeks before kissing my forehead. "You look more and more like your mama every day." His accent was rich and deep.

"Thank you, Uncle Cenzo," I said as I squeezed his cheeks. "Look, I have a huge favor to ask." I looked at Edward, who was standing anxiously by the door. I didn't want Uncle Cenzo to know that he was my bodyguard. "My boyfriend needs a suit. He's going to be a pall bearer for Billy Black's funeral..."

"Si, your father told me. I am making Billy a suit for his burial. Made of the finest Italian merino wool," he said conspiratorially.

"I'm sure that Billy would love it," I said, hugging him tightly. "Can you help him, too?"

"What's your boyfriend's name?"

"Edward," I answered.

"Edward, come. Let Uncle Cenzo see. My eyes are old and I can't see far. Close, no problem. Far, not so good," he grumbled. Edward walked toward Uncle Cenzo. "Turn, please." Edward shot me a look and he turned around. "I have a suit that may fit him. That's why I wanted to check his ass."

"Is it too big?" I quipped.

"No. Too small," Uncle Cenzo snorted. "But, that is an easy fix. Here, Edward. Put this on. There are several dress shirts in the dressing room." Uncle Cenzo found a charcoal gray suit with a subtle pinstripe. He handed it to Edward who looked a bit shell shocked. "Irishman?"

"Uncle Cenzo," I chided. "Aunt Toni is Irish, too. You have no room to talk, bucko."

"I just give you shit," he snickered. Edward walked out in the suit and it fit him perfectly. The sleeves were a little long but everything else was like it was made for him. "Do you like a cuff on the pant leg?"

"Not really," Edward said as he looked at his feet. Cenzo found some dress shoes and shoved them on Edward. He made some marks on the fabric by his feet. He also made note of the sleeves.

"You need more than one suit," Uncle Cenzo said, tutting quietly. "Try this one on, too. Wear the gray for the wake and black for the funeral." He handed Edward a black suit. "Go, shoo!" Edward chuckled and darted back into the dressing room.

"What do you think, Angie?"

"I think your bodyguard is a hottie and half," she giggled quietly. I gave her a sharp look. She sobered quickly. "But, he's all yours."

"I was talking about the suits, though," I said as I stood next to her.

"I liked the charcoal one. However, the black one is probably going to be sexy on him," Angie whispered. As she said that, Edward walked out and fuck me sideways, he looked absolutely sinful.

"This one fits better," Uncle Cenzo muttered to himself. "Still no cuff?"

"No cuff," Edward said as he ran his hands down his stomach. "Wow. That doesn't look like me."

I walked over to him and adjusted his shoulders of the coat before putting my chin on his shoulder. "I think you look hot," I purred. "Like the club." He rolled his eyes and gave me a smirk in the mirror. "We'll take them both, Uncle Cenzo. Plus shirts that go with both suits."

"Ties, too?" Uncle Cenzo asked.

"No. I want to pick out the ties for my handsome man," I grinned, taking Edward's hand. He jumped when my fingers threaded with his. "When can they be ready?"

"Come back at five, Bella Bambina," Uncle Cenzo said.

"Thanks, Uncle Cenzo," I grinned, kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you, sir," Edward said stiffly, releasing his hand from mine.

"None of this, sir, shit," Uncle Cenzo admonished. He took Edward's face and kissed him on the cheek. "You family now." He smacked Edward's cheeks lightly before pushing him into the dressing room. "Come back when you get married. I design his tuxedo for your wedding."

A/N: A little longer than usual. (But still much shorter than my usual chapters.) Pictures of Uncle Cenzo, his shop and the suits that Edward got are on my blog. Link is in my profile. Also, find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation or on Twitter: tufano79. Leave me some...


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