Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-One

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 131


"Ugh," I groaned, rolling onto my back. Everything on me hurt. My eyes cracked open and I saw that I was in my shithole apartment, on the floor in my bedroom. Sliding up, I smelled before I saw the bags filled with breakfast strewn on the floor, covering the carpet. Syrup was leaking onto the floor but I couldn't find it in me to really care. Then, on the bed, I noticed my badge and ID sitting in plain sight. It all came rushing back.

Was this a joke? A ruse? Did you really have sensory issues? WAS ANYTHING YOU TOLD ME THE TRUTH?!

You were sent to take down my family...RUIN MY LIFE!

I hate you, Edward. You betrayed my trust. unforgivable.

You do NOT love me. You lost that right when I found out that you aren't who you say you are.

"No," I sobbed, curling up in a ball. I felt empty, desolate and completely helpless. My heart faltered and my reason for living found cover was blown and...

Jumping up, I ran to the bathroom and heaved up the little I had in my stomach. The movement made my ribs groan in agony. My body felt like it had been run over by a truck and not because of my bout with puking. Pulling up my shirt, I saw fresh bruises on my chest in the shapes of Bella's fists. My face was covered in dried blood from a broken nose and deep gash on my temple from being pistol whipped.

I deserved it.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face the best that I could since my face hurt. A lot. Then, I stripped out of my t-shirt, which was covered in blood, and putting on a fresh one. Dragging my body back into the bedroom, I was hit with the scent of our lovemaking, causing my heart to shatter. On the bed, nestled on the sheets, was the heart pendant I had bought Bella in Italy. I picked it up and put it around my neck.

I had to fix this.

But how?

I love you, Little One. That will never change...


First things first, I had to make sure that Bella got back to Charlie's safely. I dialed her phone. It rang but she didn't pick up. Do you expect her to, asshole?

What surprised me was that I heard my ringtone from her phone nearby. I hung up and dialed it again. Listening, I followed the sound. I opened the apartment door, seeing Bella's phone on the ground near my Mustang, pushed underneath the front tire. Sprinting down the stairs, I picked it up. It was scratched up. There were alerts for numerous texts and voicemails from both Charlie and Emmett.

Bambina, you better not be playing me...where are you? – Em

I've been sitting here at the fucking diner for over an hour. Did you and Edward make up? Don't do anything that I wouldn't do. *Waggles brows* – Em

You better not be fucking, Bella. So help me, you dragged me out of bed at seven in the morning – Em

It's been two hours, Bella. Where the fuck are you? – Em

I'm calling your dad, Bella. This is ridiculous! - Em

Isabella Marie, this is your father! ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE! – Charlie

NOW! - Charlie

She was taken. I just know it. I just knew that was why her phone was kicked under my car. She loved her phone. It was attached to her hip or her ear. Something was wrong and her being without protection was the reason behind it.

I pocketed Bella's phone and decided to come clean to Charlie and Emmett. But first, I had to get some backup. I went up to my apartment and grabbed my Kevlar vest, badge, gun and ID. Tossing it into a bag, I locked up the apartment for what was going to be the last time. With a sense of determination, I drove away from the shithole apartment. I texted Carlisle, asking him to meet me at a local diner close to Charlie's house. We needed to figure out a plan to bring down whoever took Bella.

The wall around my heart went up and gone was the vulnerable Edward Masen who gave everything he had to Bella and back was Edward Cullen, trained killer.

But it was going to be temporary. After this, I was done. I couldn't do this anymore. My time with the bureau was now at its end.

I had to get Bella back.

I had to earn her forgiveness and trust.

I had to get her to love me again.

I couldn't live without her.

I refuse to...

I'm coming, Little One. I promise.

A/N: Edward's sad and pissed at the same time. He knew it was going to eventually happen but it doesn't make it any less painful. However, he's not letting go of his girl without a fight. Discussions regarding this will be on my Facebook page: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation or on Twitter: tufano79. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Leave me some!


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