Chapter One-Hundred Sixty-Two

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 162


By the time Charlie had arrived in Seattle, not the hospital, I was dead to the world. The doctors at Virginia Mason gave me a fairly strong sedative since I was so on edge from my experience at the other hospital. Before I succumbed to sleep, I asked Edward to stay with me when I told Charlie about Aro's admission. He smiled crookedly and said he'd stay with me.

I felt badly about disturbing his time away from the drama. Edward needed it more than anyone. He looked better when I looked at him, really looked at him after my meltdown. His hair was artfully sculpted and his face was baby smooth. However, he was in for another night of sleeping in a recliner and not having all of his stuff, since it was still in the hotel in Portland.

Yeah, my rest, while drug-induced, was not all that restful. My mind wouldn't stop but I couldn't wake up, either.

Early the next morning, I was prepped for another surgery on my leg. Edward stayed with me until they wheeled me back into the surgical bay. I was a mess as they prepped me. My arms were strapped down and I hated it. I was sobbing as they put me under, hating the fact that I was being restrained.

When I came to, I was back in my room with Charlie on one side, reading a book and Edward on the other, snoozing with his head in his arms. Our fingers were twined together and he was gently rubbing his thumb along my knuckles soothingly.

"He's truly devoted to you," Charlie said quietly. "I was worthless when you had your panic attack but he charged in, putting everyone in their place. He did not want you harmed."

"He's amazing," I croaked, running my fingers through his soft hair. He sighed, nuzzling his cheek to my hand.

"Have you forgiven him?" Charlie chuckled.

"I have. I even said those three words," I snorted. "Am I ready for anything more than this or talking? No, not really. But, he makes me feel safe. He always did." I turned to my dad. "When did you get here?"

"Shortly after you were brought into surgery. I had to fill out paperwork, explaining my sudden movement. My ankle bracelet went off, unfortunately," he grumbled, showing me his hardware around his right foot. With a sigh, he turned back to me. "Before the explosion yesterday, you said you had something to tell me. What was it, baby girl?"

"I have to wait," I whispered. "Edward said he'd help me tell you. I can't say it without getting sick or falling into a panic attack." My heart rate monitor was going haywire. Edward heard that his head popped up. He reached for the nurse button before turning to me. His green eyes were bleary and the circles under his eyes were more prominent. "Go back to sleep, amore."

"No, I'm up," he said, his voice thick. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Food? Water? Bathroom?"

I shifted and my bladder was full. I didn't have the foley bag anymore. I was still woozy from the anesthesia. "I do need to pee," I blushed. Edward looked around but frowned he couldn't find crutches. He gently picked me up, carrying me to the bathroom and settled me on the toilet. I shimmied my panties off while he closed the door, relieving my bladder. When I was done, I hobbled to wash my hands and called for Edward. He carried me to the recliner, putting my feet up and stuffing a pillow under my leg that had been operated on this morning. A nurse came in with a menu and I chose some food, not really hungry. My men needed sustenance.

After eating, Edward was reading a law book and Charlie was watching the Mariners play. I was trying to ready of the books that Edward bought for me, but it was pretty smutty and it reminded me of what happened to me and the sex I wasn't having. Instead, I clutched Sylvester and watched the baseball game, being bored out of my skull.

At the end of the baseball game, I looked at my dad. I needed to tell him. I tossed Sylvester at Edward. He jumped and narrowed his eyes at me. I beckoned him over to my side. "You ready?" he asked as he crouched down.

"No, but it needs to be done," I whispered. "I want you to hold me, Edward. Please?"

"Sure, Little One," he said, lifting me gently and sitting in the recliner. I was nestled in his lap. "Blood doesn't make you family, Bella. Being an orphan, I know that. It's the relationships. He'll always love you, regardless of who your biological father is. I promise you." He kissed my temple and held me close.

"Daddy," I called to him.

"What, baby girl?" he replied, turning off the television.

I blew out a breath of air. "There's something I need to tell you. It affects us all. It's about..." My stomach churned. I whimpered and turned to Edward.

"It's about Aro, Charlie," Edward finished for me. He handed me a garbage can. I clutched it and looked at my dad. "Bella, you have to do this, baby. You're so strong."

Tears welled in my eyes and I looked at the garbage can. "Aro is my biological father," I sniffled.

A/N: The conversation will pick up in the next chapter, along with Charlie's response. Leave me some!


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