Chapter Seventy-Five

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter Seventy-Five

I pushed my realization to the back of my mind and steeled myself for time in the shooting range. I needed to have all of my attention on shooting, not on matters of the heart. Bella and I walked toward the far end of the building. I'd never gone shooting with a civilian, so I was leery about Bella's skills.

Those feelings were quickly squashed when she took out her gun, inspecting it expertly for any corrosion or imperfections. Once she was done, she flipped on the lights and loaded up a target. The target locked into place and she slipped on her pink ear phones and matching pink glasses. I lingered behind her, wanting to see her form.

And her ass.

Shoot me. I'm a guy.

Bella raised her gun and emptied the clip, her arms locked and her body tense. She lowered the gun and removed her ear protection. I slid in behind her, slamming my hand on the control to bring target back to her station. She bit her lip as the paper target came back. My arm snaked around her body, my thumb sneaking into the waistband of her pants. Her warm skin anchored me to the world and I...

Stop. It. You admit, mentally, you're in love with her and now you're all about puppy dogs and rainbows.

"Wow, Little One. Remind me to never battle you in a gun fight," I snorted. She had three shots in the head and the rest were all in the chest.

"I'd never shoot you," she giggled. "If I had to, I'd aim for an arm or a leg."

"Good to know," I smirked, kissing her lips three times swiftly. She laughed against my mouth. I smacked her ass. "My turn."

"Let's see who's a better shot," she grinned, moving her hands down my back until she cupped my own ass. "Shall we wager?"

"Gambling, Miss del Cigno?" I asked, arching a brow.

"Not for money. For sexual favors?" she smiled, waggling her brows.

"Was I that good, Bella?" I purred.

"Oh, yes. But, I want to show off my expertise, too," she beamed.

"Okay. What are the terms?"

"If I win, I get to suck your cock," she said huskily, nipping at my jaw. One of her hands moved to my crotch, gently palming my growing erection.

"If I win, I get to lick your pussy," I growled, slipping my hand inside of her pants and swirling my finger around her clit. She was drenched.

"You don't play fair," she moaned.

I removed my hand, sticking my fingers in my mouth. I cleaned them, savoring her flavor. "Never said I did, Little One. That pussy is mine." I picked up the Desert Eagle and quickly appraised it. The gun was in amazing condition. After making sure the gun worked properly, I loaded a clip of .50 caliber rounds. I flipped my hat backwards and slid on my sunglasses. I eased on the ear protection. Bella smacked my ass before leaving the stall. I took a deep breath before picking up the gun.

The world fell away and the only thing in front of me was the target. Smoothly, I shot two rounds into the head of the target. The rest of the rounds were focused on the heart. It took less than thirty seconds to empty the clip and put the gun down. Bella had come back into the stall and pressed the button for the target. Her jaw was dropping when she saw it get closer.

I didn't get the nickname 'Deadshot' in Quantico for nothing.

"How?" she squeaked. "This is precision shooting...I mean, fuck!"

I took down the target and appraised it. I was rusty. There were two holes, millimeters apart, in the head. The remaining shots in the chest formed a perfect circle around the heart. Compared to Bella's, I had fared much better, keeping my shots within an inch radius but I was disappointed in my performance.

Dipshit, you're shooting with a gun that you've never used and you haven't practiced in how long? A year? Quit your bitching.

"I don't know. It may be pretty close," Bella quipped, holding up our targets.

"We can always ask Mario," I said. "Keep those on the side and we'll ask his expert opinion once we're done. But, I think I've won, baby."

"We'll see," she quipped, giving me a saucy grin.

A/N: In your opinion, who won? Leave me some!


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