Chapter One-Hundred Twenty-Five

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 125

Edward parked his car outside of a run-down apartment complex. His cheeks were red and he looked ashamed of his home. I didn't blame him, really. He was just scraping by prior before he got enfolded into the craziness of the del Cigno Syndicate. We picked up the bags of food, walking up the rickety staircase to his second floor apartment. Unlocking the door, he walked in first, making sure that there were no creepy crawlies.

Inside, I was shocked at how dark and dank the apartment was. I could smell curry that was embedded into the carpeting and mustiness from something else. I kept my face impassive as I followed him into the family room, depositing the food onto the small cocktail table that looked like it had been outside for a long time before it was picked up.

"I know it's bad, but I haven't been here all that much since Charlie had me become your bodyguard," Edward said quietly. "With the increase in my pay, I'm looking to upgrade and move out of this shithole."

I walked around, sitting down on the dilapidated sofa. I nearly fell through to the carpet below. Edward had to help me up, moving me to another cushion that was a bit more supported. "Wow," I said, looking around.

"We can go," he muttered, his gaze falling to my feet. "I know it's not anything special, but at the time, it was all I could afford."

"Edward, it's fine. I'm not used to it, but you've made it homey," I replied. It was immaculately clean and there were touches here and there that were uniquely Edward: pictures of Chicago, mainly the Chicago Cubs, a few photos of Edward as a kid with a pretty red-headed woman, presumably his mom. There were some makeshift shelves, filled with books of all types. However, the most predominant book were crime novels and mysteries.

He sat down next to me, still eyeing me warily. I turned to him, caressing his cheek and kissing his lips. "Relax, amore. As long as there aren't any cockroaches, we're good."

"Nope. No cockroaches," he breathed. "Let me get us something to drink and some utensils." I nodded. He got up, walking to the kitchen. A loud squeak caught my attention and he apologized. I chuckled, pulling out the food. Edward came back into the family room with a couple of bottles of water along with two forks and one knife. He handed me the utensils as he walked over to his pitiful looking iHome, plugging in a small iPod into it. Quiet music wafted over us and he sat down next to me, pulling out the food from the bags. We ate our meal, not really tasting it. I was still in shock over what had happened.

"What do you think will happen to Heidi?" I asked, pushing my pasta away.

"I don't know, but the fact that she was willing to snitch on you to Aro makes me very nervous," Edward replied. "Emmett and Seth have it under control."

"How do you know?"

"Emmett just texted me," Edward replied. "Heidi was willing to spill the beans with the right motivation. She's apparently the bastard child of Aro and a stripper or something. She's trying to get into the business. She knew that you frequented La Rustica since she saw you there with Emmett in May. She quickly went to Aro, explaining this and he employed her as a spy."

"Did Emmett say if they were going to kill her?" I frowned. I hated the fact that blood could be spilled over this.

"They're not sure. They're sweating her out," Edward explained. "A decision won't be made for a couple of days." I sighed, stabbing at the pasta. "Hey, be kind to the fettuccini. It didn't do anything to you."

"I love my dad, I love the life his money afforded me, but all of this violence..." I grumped.

"I know, Little One," Edward soothed, pulling me to his side. I curled up against him, relishing in his warmth, strength and love. "I'm with you. I have yet to really use the muscle that Charlie has given me. The only time I shot my gun was with the hit with Cacciatore. I know I shot two men, but I'm not sure if it was to kill. I just needed to get your dad out of there."

"I wish things were different," I muttered against his chest, playing with one of his buttons on his shirt.

"Me, too, Bella," Edward said. However, in his voice, there was something more swimming in it. He gently cupped my chin and looked down at me, his eyes swirling with emotion. "I have something that I have to say, Bella. I can't hold it in anymore."

"What?" I asked, fearful that he was going to dump my ass.

"Don't be upset, Little One," he whispered, taking my face in his hands. "I think it's a good thing." He closed his eyes, taking a few breaths before reopening them. "I love you, Bella." I blinked, shocked at his admission. "I think I've loved you since I first touched you in Verdant."

"You love me?" I whispered, my voice sounding like a sucked in too much helium.

"I do, Bella. I know that we're so different," he said, gesturing to his apartment. "But, I can't deny what I'm feeling for you. I can't hold it in anymore. It's okay if you don't..."

I shut him up with a searing kiss to the lips, straddling his waist. He pulled me closer to his body. We were so entwined that you didn't know where he stopped and where I started. My tongue slid between his lips, dancing with his. The blasted need to breathe forced us a part and I stared into his bright green orbs. "I love you, too," I panted out. His eyes widened and his face broke into a beautiful smile. His mouth crashed against mine, twining his fingers into my hair. The love pouring from his overwhelming and I thought I was going to cry.

We broke a part again and he took my face in his hands. "Can I make love to you, Bella? Show you how much I love you?" he whispered. His sweet words were my undoing. Tears splashed onto my cheeks as I nodded. "I would pick you up, but with my ribs..."

"Oh, right," I laughed nervously, getting off his lap.

Once he was standing, he swept me up in his arms. He gave me a gorgeous smile, "I love you, Little One."

"I love you, amore," I whispered back.

A/N: And I'm leaving it up...LEMON! You know the drill, kids! Love ya!


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