one hundred twenty seven

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"Oh my god, was that a-" Several gunshots ring out cutting Laura off again.

The students in the hallway begin running in every direction, frantically trying to get into a classroom. I am frozen in my shoes, not able to move.


[Olivia's POV]

"Olivia!" I hear Laura scream at me as she grabs my arm and pulls me forward. She practically drags me down the hall. We run inside a bathroom and we each hide in a stall. 

I stand on the toilet and put my hands on either side of the stall, making sure that I am balanced. I can't breathe. I can't do this. 

I hear Laura sobbing on the other side of the stall so I whisper to her, "Laura. Shhh, you need to be quiet." 

She lets out another sob and my heart begins to race as another round of gunshots goes off. Now they are significantly closer than before. He is coming closer to us. 

I hear other voices and sobs from within the bathroom, I can't die. I don't want to die yet. I haven't lived! 

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and I search through my contacts and press call on Anthony's name. 

"Olivia? Aren't you at school?" He answers.

"Anthony, I'm scared." I say through sobs, no longer able to control myself. I feel as if I am going to throw up. 

"Why are you scared?" He asks. "What's going on?" 

"Anthony, there is a shooter. They are shooting up the school and they are getting closer and I think I am going to die. I can't die. I'm so scared." I sob into the phone. 

"Oh my god.. Oh my fucking god." He mutters. "No, this can't be happening." 

I let out a scream as I hear more gunshots much closer to the bathroom. 

"Anthony, help me.. Please." I sob. 

"Listen to me." He says. "You are going to be fine. Okay? You will be fine. I am coming to the school right now and you will see me soon. I need you to breathe." 

A gunshot goes off but the shooter has passed right by the bathroom, the sound coming from down the hall. I need to get into a classroom. I need to be somewhere safer than a bathroom. Somewhere with a window so we can escape. 

"Laura." I say, opening the stall door. "We need to get out of here. We need to go to a classroom." 

"Are you insane? No! Get back inside there." She whispers to me from inside her stall. 

"Then I'm going on my own. I have to get out of here. I gotta get out of here, Laura." I say and walk towards the entrance. I peer out of the door and see several students on the ground with gunshot wounds, they are all dead. 

"Olivia?" I hear someone say from the floor across the hall. 


"Spencer.." I say, running towards her and sitting on the floor next to her body. 

I look at her body and she has blood seeping through her shirt, clearing she was shot in the abdomen. 

"I'm dying." She weakly says. 

"No, you're not. I'm going to get us out of here, okay? Keep your eyes open, I'll drag you into a room." I ramble, trying to grab hold of her arms. 

"Olivia.. The shooter.. It was Ben." She whispers. "You need to leave me and get out of here. He is here for you." 

My stomach drops, I caused this. All these people are dead because of me. This is all my fault. 

"Stay awake! Spencer, keep your eyes open!" I scream at her. 

"Shh.. He's going to hear you. Get out of here, Olivia. I'll be okay." She says. She begins to cough up blood. I rest her head in my lap and brush her hair away from her face. 

"I love you." She whispers. "I'll.. I'll always.. Love you."

She lets out a breathe and her eyes no longer have life in them anymore. She's dead. Because of me. 

I hold her body in my arms and sob. Her blood is covering my clothing but all I care about is keeping her with me. 

"I love you, too." I say to her, kissing the top of her head. I let her body lie on the floor as I pull myself off of the ground.

I have to find Ben. I have to stop him from hurting anyone else. Even if it means that I am going to die. 

I walk slowly through the halls and stop once I am in the main foyer. I stand there and try to listen for more gunshots but I hear none. 

"Olivia." I hear a voice say from behind me. Ben. 

I slowly turn around and see him fifteen feet away from me with a small black gun pointed towards me. I feel no fear anymore. I am ready. 

"Ben. Why did you do this?" I say quietly. 

"You destroyed me. I was planning on only shooting you but once I got here everything changed. I didn't mean to kill all those kids. It's your fault I killed them." He yells at me. 

"Put the gun down, Ben. It doesn't have to end like this." My voice shakes as I speak. 

"I have to kill you." He screams. "You don't get it, I have to do this." 

"Please.." I beg him. I know that it is no use. I take a deep breath and stand up straight. This is the end.

I am going to die. 

He points his gun at me again and a shot rings out as I fall to the floor.

Hello everyone, so who else is crying? I am actually physically crying because of how intense this was for me to write. 

I hope you enjoyed? 

I love you so much omg please never leave me I love you. 

- aibhlinn

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