forty six

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My eyes fluttered shut and eventually I fell asleep with Lin and Anthony on my mind.


[Olivia's POV]

I woke up slowly, it was cold but I was no longer in my old bedroom. I was in a car. I began to freak out, my pulse sped up.

But I calmed down once I payed attention to my surroundings. The car I was in was parked in the city streets, the familiar scent of my friend beside me, a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"You awake?" Anthony asks me. I sit up and look around nervously.

"It was just a dream. It was.. It felt so real." I mumble.

"What felt so real?" Anthony asked me.

"I had a dream where Trish took me an-and she threatened to hurt you if I tried to get help. I was forced to stay with her, lie to Lin, ignore you. It was horrible." I say.

"Shhh.. It was just a dream." He says. "You've been asleep for a while, we should probably get going. You know, school tomorrow and everything."

"Ya.. Let's go." I said. He got in the drivers seat and I sat up in the front next to him.

We drove back to the theater, Anthony occasionally making small talk but for the most part it was a silent ride, a comfortable silence though. It was never awkward between him and I.

He pulled up by the stage door and we sat in the car for minute.

"Thanks again. For you know, being there tonight. I really appreciated that." I say.

"Olivia, I am always going to be here for you, you know that right?" He says. I nodded and smiled and left the car after we both said goodnight.

I ran into the theater quickly, even though it was just a dream I was still freaked out that Trish might come and grab me if I was outside.

How could she not have been put in jail? How did everyone believe her when she said she never hurt me, that she had no idea John was doing that to me. I feel so unsafe now.

I made a cup of tea and went upstairs to read my book for a while. Although it was late, my mind wouldn't calm down. It kept going back to my dream, it felt so real, I was so scared.

I ignored the calls of my blades from my bathroom and climbed into bed after changing into pajamas. I curled up next to my dog and drifted off to sleep.

Hello everyone, this chapter is super short and I apologize I have just had no inspiration or motivation to write ):

- aibhlinn

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