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"I don't think so, sit down." he said nicely, "So, how about you tell me more about why you felt the need to steal."

I was hoping this wouldn't happen. I slowly sat back down trying to think of what to say. Should I tell him the truth? Or make up a lie?

If I did tell the truth, he would most likely just think I was disgusting like my foster parents do. He would realize how much of a failure I was. He wouldn't care.


I thought about it more and realized that I just couldn't tell him. I kept thinking about what John and Trish would do if they were caught abusing me.. It wouldn't matter that I had been removed from their home, they would hunt me down and beat me, maybe even kill me.

Besides, what would Lin even do? Fight them? Talk some sense into them? He wouldn't be able to do anything.

I am forever stuck with a family who hates me, beats me, and uses me for money.

"Olivia? Why did you steal?" His voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"I already told you, I couldn't afford it." I began, "My parents forgot to give me money for the day and I came down to the city and realized that I was starving! I am sorry but what was I supposed to do?"

"Why do I feel like you aren't telling me the truth?" He sighs.

"No idea, you have never even met me before."

"Ok, well what are you going to do today? The city isn't really safe for a young girl like you to be running around in. Speaking of young, how old are you? And what is your last name? All I know is that you are named Olivia. Also, why do you have so many bruises?" He asks me.

"I am a foster child so my last name changes with each family I stay with but I don't like going by their last name. I am 15 years old." I responded making sure to avoid the question of my bruises.

"You're a foster child? What happened to your biological family? And your bruises, are they from your foster family?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I whispered.

"Don't avoid the question, I am only trying to help you." He says kindly.

"I don't need your help. I don't even know you! Why would you try to help me?" My voice starts to raise, "I-I have to go."

I stand up and start running.

"Olivia!" I hear him call to me but I ignore him and keep running. My legs burning and the sharp pains that run through my body every step are killer.

I keep running, I pass my house but I keep going. I run for a few minutes more until I find myself at a neighborhood park.

I stop, out of breath, and sit on one of the benches. I suddenly wish I had taken my water bottle with me.

Everything began to catch up with me. I miss my old life. I miss my siblings. I miss my parents. I miss being loved. I wish my family was still here.

I hate my life, I hate my foster family, I hate who I am. I hate what happened to my family. I hate that I am not strong. I hate myself. I wish I had never been born.

I began to head home realizing that it must be around 3 o'clock. Time really does fly when you are running around in the city. If John and Trish ever found out that I left the house they would kill me for sure. Maybe not kill, just beat, but either way I knew it would not be pretty.

It only takes me a few minutes to get home and my heart drops when I see something in my driveway.

My foster parents cars.

Hello everyone, I hope you are well. I tried to put some drama in this chapter for you lovely readers!

I don't have a lot of time but, vote and comment if you enjoyed! Also, disregard any grammar mistakes, I will go back and edit in a few hours.

Comment if you even read this little authors notes!

- aibhlinn

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