one hundred four

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"Goodnight, love." He says and I smile. I hang up the phone and go back to talking with Laura. We dance and sing, I guess her parents aren't home because we are being extremely loud. I pass out on her bed shortly after midnight rolls around and we drink more champagne. What a wild way to start out the new year. 


[Olivia's POV] 

Weeks have passed by uneventfully and life is pretty good. I feel myself drifting Anthony but maybe it's for the best. I love him.. Well, loved him. I should've known that we would never work out. He should try to find someone to be with, that woman would be the luckiest person on earth. 

I lay in my bed for a few minutes and just breathe. I recently moved back into the theater and I couldn't be happier. Lin begged me to stay with him in his house but I have grown up independent so being alone is easy for me, plus the theater is my home, I hate being away from it.

I listen to the sounds of cars below on the streets and the faint roaring of a siren. I think about my plans for the day as I get up and head to the bathroom to begin getting ready. I am getting lunch and going to the mall with Laura at noon and then later tonight I am going ice skating with Pippa, Renee, and Jasmine. 

I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body. I shiver as I get out and step onto the freezing floor, New York winters are truly the worst. I wrap a towel around myself and stare at myself in the mirror. I have been dieting for almost a month now and I have barely seen any difference in my physique. I step on my scale and read the numbers out loud to myself. 

"One hundred and three pounds.." I whisper and feel my stomach drop. Failure. That's all I think when I look at myself. 

I shrug away my thoughts and continue to get ready. I brush out my long hair until it rests calmly on my skin. I leave it natural as it begins to form curls. I brush my teeth and begin to apply my daily makeup. 

Heading back to my room, I open up my closet and decide on what to wear. I pick out a pair of black skinny jeans and a burgundy turtle neck. I slip on my black heeled booties and put on my jean jacket for extra warmth. 

I check the time and see that I have an hour before I need to leave so I begin to work on some homework. Once 11:45 rolls around I grab my phone and wallet and get in my car. I pick up Laura and we decide to go to a local salad bar for lunch, good something light and not too many calories. 

"How has it been at school with Spencer?" Laura asks me as we sit down and eat our food. 

"Weird but not too bad, surprisingly. I think she is just embarrassed and doesn't want to say anything to me." I say, picking at my bowl of lettuce with my fork. 

"Well that's good." She says. "I am so ready to graduate, only four more months!" 

"Oh my gosh, me too." I say. 

We eat our food and I drive us to the mall and we spend a few hours there. I get a few things and then we head back home. 

I drive to the ice skating rink and see the girls waiting for me by the entrance. 

"Olivia!" Jasmine yells as she sees me. She gives me a hug and we pay for our shoes so we can begin to skate. 

The four of us have a blast together despite how cold it is. 

"How is the song writing coming along?" Pippa asks me as we all hold hands and skate around the rim. 

"Pretty good despite how frustrating it is. I just have so much going on in my head all the time." I laugh. 

"Any love songs?" Renee asks, wiggling her eyebrows. 

I blush and look away from them. Jasmine looks down at her feet, does she know about me and Anthony? She couldn't. 

"There are love songs! Oh my gosh, Olivia you have to tell me everything." Pippa says excitedly. I giggle and say nothing more. What am I supposed to say? Yeah, I'm kind of in love with this guy named Anthony. I think you guys have met before. I don't think so. Besides, there is nothing going on between us anymore. I feel the necklace he gave me burn into my neck reminding me that my feelings for him are not over no matter how much I try to deny it.

After an hour or so I head back to the theater and say hello to everyone who is getting ready for the show. I climb up to my room and finish my homework and listen to the show through the floor. My heart flutters every time I hear Anthony sing. Why can't I get over him? 

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this simple chapter. Sorry about my absence on wattpad lately, I have had zero inspiration, leave me some ideas I can use for more frequent updates because my mind is unfortunately empty. 

Love you all. 

- aibhlinn

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