fifty six

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"Me too. Do me a favor and drive safe ok? Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight, Olivia."


[Olivia's POV]

I woke up the next morning with sore eyes from the lack of sleep I had gotten last night. I shouldn't complain though, it was completely worth the conversation Anthony and I had. He wasn't mad at me. I am so thankful for that.

I got out of bed and quickly got dressed in a pair of high waisted black skinny jeans, a black crop top, and a vintage jean jacket. I paired it with my black doc martins. Jazzy had picked out the outfit while we were facetiming, she also gave me instructions to go into the makeup room and use her lipstick that she wears while playing Maria Reynolds, it's called Outlaw. It was a beautiful red and looked great on my skin. I also put on mascara, filled in brows, and contoured and highlighted.

I walked downstairs and fed my dog as well as eating some fruit, I checked the time and saw that it was almost time to go to school so I brought India back to my room and went to find Lin because he was giving me a ride today.

We got into his car and drove to the coffee shop, we always got coffees when he drove me to school. We were halfway to school when I realized something.

"Lin, can I get my drivers license? I know that you are willing to drive me places but if I had my own license I could buy a car and then no one would have to wake up early to drive me to school." I said.

"I don't see why not, I will have to contact your social services workers to get some of your information papers that I don't have but I can do that today. Do you want to go to the DMV after school?" He asks.

"Sure, sounds good." I replied. That means that Lin would have to teach me to drive, oh lord.

We arrived at school and I said goodbye before hopping out of the car. For the first time since the beginning of the school year, I wasn't afraid that I would be beat up. I walked confidently through the halls with my head high, I was looking forward to seeing Spencer in first period, I finally had a friend again.

I walked into class and saw her in her usual spot which is right next to my desk. I smiled and sat down, she said hello to me. I got a text and saw that it was from Lexi.

lexi : Hey! My friend is having a Halloween party on well Halloween obviously. It's a costume party! Wanna come?

me : Sure, can I bring a friend?

Lexi : Absolutely! I will text you the details later (:

"Spencer, do you wanna go to this Halloween party. My college friend invited us." I asked her.

"Ya, that sounds awesome." She replied.

"It's a costume party, we could go shopping tomorrow to get a costume if you are free?" I suggest. "One of the cast members can take us."

"Ya, I will make sure to bring my money." She says, and then the teacher walks in and begins today's lesson.

Half way through class I get a note from the principal asking me to come and see him. I get out of my seat and walk through the halls until I get to his office.

"Mr. Andrews? You wanted to see me?" I ask, standing in his doorway.

"Oh yes, Ms. Orion. Please, sit." He says, gesturing to the chair across his desk. I walk over and sit down and wait for him to speak. "So, you are taking all advanced classes, most of them are usually taken by seniors and you are only a junior. You are also doing extremely well in them, I mean a 96% in physics, 103% in calculus, 102% in Psych. These are beyond good grades, how do you manage to do that?"

"As you know I moved into a theater and every night there is a show so I have to be quiet for 3 hours almost every day and instead of just watching TV I decided to use that time to study and do extra work." I explain.

"Wow, most students wouldn't do that. Anyways all this to say, you are eligible to graduate this year. You have enough credits, hours, and have taken all the needed classes to graduate with phenomenal scores." He says.

"So what you are saying is that at the end of this year instead of having to go to senior year, I will just graduate?" I ask, wanting him to clarify.

"Yes, as long as you get this paper signed by your guardian." He said handing me a paper.

"Thank you, sir." I said. I left his office and went back to class. I went through my day easily, all of Spencer's friends were really nice, she must've explained everything to them. They all apologized and asked for a second chance which I of course gave them because like Lin always says, my heart is too big to say no to anyone or anything.

Lin picked me up after school and I got into the front seat.

"So.. I have this paper for you to sign if you are willing to do so. It's um.. Permission to graduate early, this year instead of next. I was talking to the principal today about it." I say awkwardly, I am sort of embarrassed to admit my academic success.

"Wait seriously? Are you like some kind of child genius? I am so proud!" He exclaims, "I will sign it tonight but first the DMV to get your license. Oh that reminds me, I was calling today to get your papers and they had to get them from an old foster home of yours and while they were getting the information they found a box full of pictures and old items, they believe they are yours and your families."

"Are you serious? Oh my god, Lin. I left those at my first home I stayed in, I was kicked out and was never able to get them. That box has all of my important memories.." I say, my eyes are beginning to tear up. In this moment, life is pretty great.

Hello everyone, I have nothing to say. I am skyping my hamilton writer friend right now. HI EMILY WHEN U READ THIS!

- aibhlinn

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