forty eight

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We arrived and Anthony gently woke me up. We went and bought our tickets into the park then went inside to find the rest of the cast. I was expecting a ton of fans to notice us and run up to the cast for autographs but surprisingly only a few people did.


[Olivia's POV]

The cast and I went to the bumper cars first, they had just enough cars for the entire of us to have our own. I hoped into a small blue car and waited for the workers to turn on the ride. The car came to life and suddenly every vehicle in the room was zooming around. I saw a car near the corner, the person inside must be stay still until they find someone to bump into, a tussle of big curly hair poked out the top of the car. Daveed.

I pressed my foot on the pedal and crashed right into his car sending him flying a few feet forwards. "Olivia, you have messed with the wrong man." He threatens smiling ear to ear, I laugh and try to turn my car around but he is too quick and runs his car straight into mine.

I look over and see Lin chasing Renee in their cars, I drive over to them and crash into Lin which surprised him as he let out a scream. The ride lasted 5 more minutes, I successfully bumped into everyone's car. I hit the Groff the most, he was horrible at bumper cars.

Next we went to a roller coaster with a straight drop and a bunch of upside down parts. Lin's eyes were full of fear as we walked towards it, I decided to sit next to him on the ride. He was so scared, "I have never been on a roller coaster before." He said.

"They are so fun!" I said, I grabbed his hand to make him feel a little less afraid.

The cars lurched forward as we climbed up the first hill of the track.

"Oh no, I am ready to get off now." Lin said, I laughed at his frightful face. Just as he was opening his mouth to say something else we flew down a hill, Lin let out a long and terrified scream but I just laughed. Lin's long dark hair was flying everywhere as we went upside down. I could hear Anthony and Daveed laughing at Lin from the seats behind us.

The ride ended giving Lin some relief. "Never.. Again." He said stumbling down the stairs from the rides's platform.

Oak called my name and I ran over to him. Him, Anthony, Daveed, Jazzy, Groff, and I were going to go on the most intense ride in the park. It had constant flips and drops and looked insane but I was so excited to go on it. I sat in between Anthony and Groff. Jazzy was on the other side of Anthony, they must have worked out their problems because they were holding hands and giggling into each others ears. Groff made a joke to me about them and we began to mock them by linking hands and confessing our love for each other. Anthony stared at my hand in Groffs, I was going to ask him why he was looking at us but the ride began before I could say anything.

Groff began to scream as the ride spun upside down, I could see Leslie taking photos of all of us. I couldn't help but scream on the ride as it dropped suddenly, I thought we were going to hit the ground.

The ride slowly came to a stop and we all got off. The next few hours went by quickly, all of us going on the rides. I took turns sitting next to all of the cast members.

It was dark out now, the sky was black. We all went to the Ferris wheel. Each carriage had room for 2 people to sit next to each other, Anthony grabbed my hand and we went into the first one. The seat was small and Anthony took up most of the room, I just squeezed in thankful that I was so small, our legs were touching. He was still holding my hand as the ride began, my heart beat began to race, it was so high up and we had barely left. The ride stopped once we were at the top so that more of the cast could get on the ride.

"It's so high up.." I nervously said. I leaned over to see how high up we were and I let out a gasp, it was so high off the ground.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I shook my head. "Shh, look around. Look how beautiful everything is."

I looked out into the sky, the moon was shining and there were stars everywhere. I felt Anthony's eyes looking at me, why wasn't he looking out at all of this beauty. He wrapped his arm around and I felt so safe, no longer afraid of the heights. I turned to look at him, his brown eyes looking down into my green ones. He grinned widely, flashing his white teeth at me. We were still looking  each others eyes until the ride began to move again, breaking our contact.

Hello everyone. Y'all this chapter got me good, hmm I loved it.

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- aibhlinn

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