one hundred fifteen

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I come back out to Ben and say, "Alright let's go."


[Olivia's POV]

"You ready to get crushed, Thompson?" I taunt, calling him by his last name, as we walk into the building. 

"Oh please, you will be the one getting crushed today." He retorts with a smile. 

We walk up to the counter and Ben says, "Can we get a lane?" 

The man behind the counter says, "Do you want to pay together or separate?" 

"Together." Ben says. 

"I can pay for myself." I tell him. 

"Don't worry about it." He responds. 

"Fine but I'm paying for mini golf!" I say. 

"Deal." He smirks and pays for the both of us. We walk towards lane three and pick out our ball. 

"This is the only one that isn't too big for me!" I say with a laugh, holding up a small pink and sparkly ball. He laughs and gets his own. 

We begin to play and after the first round I realize that I have not done this in years. 

"Okay, I may or may not be terrible at bowling." I admit to him. 

He smiles and says, "Want me to put the bumpers up for you?" 

I laugh and push his chest lightly. He pretends to stumble back and I laugh at him even harder. 

We finish our game and I lose by a landslide to Ben. 

"Okay, you may have one this time but I will kick your ass at mini golf for sure." I tease as we walk to the golf course. 

We set up at the first hole and I go first getting a hole in one. "Boom!" I yell and Ben laughs and then follows to get a hole in one as well. 

"One to one." He says, marking down the score. 

We end the course and Ben says, "And in first place by five points is... You." 

"Yes!" I say. "Don't be to hard on yourself, we can't all be golf stars." 

"It was five points!" He says and we both start laughing. "It's getting dark out, I should probably get you home." 

"Yeah, let's go." I say. We walk out of the building and find his car and turn on the heat. "Ugh why is New York so cold?" 

"Agreed." He says and begins to drive home. We hit the interstate and he says, "Why were you really gone from school? I know that you didn't go to Puerto Rico in the middle of the year, Olivia.." 

"Yeah.. I uh.. It's hard to explain." I say timidly. 

"I wont tell anyone. You can trust me." He says. 

"Okay.. I was in an eating disorder clinic." I eventually say. 

"Well that wasn't so hard, was it?" He says with a smile. 

"You don't think I'm a freak?" I ask. 

"Of course not." He says looking in my eyes. "Look, since you told me something personal I will tell you something. Last year I spent a month in rehab." 

"Really?" I ask. "But you are the captain of the soccer team, I thought that athletes hated drugs and stuff?" 

"Not me." He shrugs. "Just because we go through things, doesn't mean that they define us. So what if you went to the hospital and so what if I went to rehab. There is so much more to us." 

"You're right." I say. I grin to myself and I see him do the same. Suddenly I realize that I haven't even thought about Anthony the entire time I have been with Ben. 

He pulls up to Lin's house and parks the car on the side of the street. 

"Look, Olivia. I really like you." He says, blushing slightly. 

"I like you too." I say and I mean it. I feel happy with him and he understands me and doesn't judge me for my past. 

"I can be here for you." He says and I look deep into his eyes. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asks sweetly and I nod. He leans towards me and gently presses his lips against mine. His kiss is short but sweet, leaving me blushing and with chills. 

"Goodnight, Olivia." He says. 

"Goodnight, Ben." I say back and get out of his car. 

I walk into the house and close the door behind me and lean against it smiling. 

"Have a good time?" Lin asks. 

I giggle and nod. I head to my room and think about what Ben told me. 

I can be there for you. 

I start to gather a bunch of things and put them in a cardboard box and head back out to the living room. 

"Hey, I have to drop these things off somewhere. I'll be back soon." I say and head out to my car. 

I drive the familiar route to the apartment that I have grown to know so well and head up to the room once I arrive. 

I take a deep breath and set the box down in front of the door, I knock once and run to the stairs and straight out to my car. I drive home with a smile on my face which follows me to bed where I lay in my bed and stair at the ceiling, thinking about Ben and how much everything is going to change. 

[Anthony's POV]

I hear a knock at the door and slowly get up from the couch and open the door. There is nobody there but a box at my feet. I pick it up and bring it inside. 

Setting it on the kitchen table I open it up and my heart drops when I see what is inside. There are t-shirts and sweatshirts that I gave Olivia and other random things from the times that we were together. 

I take it all out and spot something else at the bottom of the box. I pick it up and see that it is the necklace with the sun that I gave Olivia along with the note. I feel my heart break and I sit on the chair next to me and feel tears fall from my eyes. 

It's over. 

Hello everyone... Um... I don't even know what to say but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and tell me what you are thinking and what should happen next! 

I love you

- aibhlinn

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