twenty two

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"Do you know any where else they would've taken her?" One of the officers asks.

I shake me head and so does Anthony. We both have no idea where else to look.

"God dammit, Olivia. Where are you?" Anthony whispers to himself.


[Olivia's POV]

I woke up by being kicked in the stomach.

"Get up, you worthless whore." John says to me, kicking me again.

I sit up and try to move away from him but am held back because of the rope. Right, I forgot about that.

I had a dream about my family's accident again last night. It was just as terrifying as the other times it happens but this time I didn't have Anthony to wake me up and stop the dream. I went through the whole night with it replaying in my head. Haunting me.

"You may be wondering why I took you to my friends house instead of mine. I took you here because one of your new friends know where I live and they could come and try to get you. This way, you have no chance of being found. You will sit down here all day and all night. You will get one meal of a piece of bread and water a day. You complain or try to escape, I will beat you." He explains to me. I nod and keep my mouth shut.

Any hope that I had left in me is gone. No one would find me here. It would be impossible. I would be here until they decide to kill me.

I am going to die.

It feels weird accepting something like that. I know that it is going to happen. How could it not? I am stuck down here and no one will find me. They are practically starving me and abusing me. I wont be surprised if they just decide to shoot me one day.

I wonder if Trish is here too. She must be, other wise the police would come to her house and she would probably give in and tell them where John was keeping me.

The hours pass by slowly and painfully. My mind was dying just from sitting here for so long without doing anything. I hate this torture.

The sky outside began to darken, signaling night was soon to come.

I heard the door open and footsteps come down the stairs. My heart leapt at the thought that it could be Lin but it sank to the bottom of my stomach once I saw it was just Trish with my dinner.

She threw a piece of bread in front of me and set a cup of water next to it.

Without saying a word, she turned around and headed right back upstairs but not before giving me a look of disgust.

I began to eat my bread quickly, I was starving. I was already getting used to having 3 meals for the past few days my stomach was shocked by the sudden lack of food.

The piece of bread was small and stale but I scarfed it down in less than a minute. I drank my cup of water slowly, letting it hydrate me.

How much longer can I take of this?

[Lin's POV]

The officers helped us get in contact with the FBI so that we could try to find Olivia. This morning they called all of John and Trish's family to see if they were staying with them with no luck. We checked abandoned buildings that they could be hiding her in, again we found nothing.

They wanted to put it on the news to see if anyone has seen her but they decided against it because once they find her we didn't want her to be surrounded by press all the time asking what's happening. It may slow down the process of finding her, but I think it was a smart call in the end. We also wouldn't have to explain anything to the fans.

It was getting late, it seemed that she would have to stay another night with those terrible people. I felt so horrible. This was my fault. I should've taken her down to the show so she could watch it offstage instead of leaving her by herself. I should've done something. I was supposed to take care of her and the first day she stays in her room she is taken.

Anthony is a mess. He misses her like crazy. He told me that she has horrible nightmares about her family, I hope that she doesn't have any while she's gone.

If they kill her I don't know what I will do.

Vanessa couldn't sleep all night knowing that she was gone. She had almost gotten me custody of her, all we needed was verbal proof from Olivia that she was being abused and a doctor to prove that her injuries were not accidents, they were from her foster parents and she would be mine. She would be free.

The FBI officers told us that Anthony and I should go home for the night. They would continue working and would call right away if they found any leads.

I was hesitant but finally agreed. I needed to see my son.

That night I prayed. I prayed that Anthony would be ok, I prayed that Olivia would stay alive, and lastly I prayed that we would find her. I have to save her.

hello everyone! give this chapter a vote and a comment if you enjoyed.

Also, I am thinking about hiding some references in my story.. Try to find and comment on them (:

- aibhlinn

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