ninety five

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I clean up the blood and put on one of Anthony's sweatshirts. I climb into my bed and begin to cry as the scent of his cologne fills my senses.


[Olivia's POV]

I woke up to a text from Oak, telling me that he is going to pick me up at noon to bake Christmas cookies at his apartment with Daveed. I quickly get out of bed and let Lin know what I am doing and then get ready. 

I put on my pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve turtleneck, I put on a distressed jean jacket for extra warmth and slip on my black booties. I throw my long hair into a messy ponytail, a few curls sticking out. I put on some mascara and chapstick, brush my teeth, and then head into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Sebastian!" I say as I see him walking around in the kitchen while Lin is making breakfast. "Where is Vanessa?" I ask Lin.

"Just left for work. Hungry?" Lin asks. 

"Yeah, looks great." I say, sitting down at the table. "Oak asked if I wanted to bake cookies with him at noon today, is that okay?" 

"Of course! Do you need a ride there?" He offers. 

"I don't want to inconvenience you, I could probably ask-" 

"Olivia, don't worry about it. It's not an inconvenience." He says with smile. 

"Thank you," I say as he sets my breakfast in front of me. 

I eat my breakfast and hang out with Lin for a while until it is time to go to Oak's apartment. I help Lin strap Sebastian in his car seat and then get in the front with him. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Lin says as we arrive at Oak's apartment. "The owner of that coffee shop you go to contacted me and said that he saw you singing on my periscope. He wanted to know if you would be interested in singing a couple of songs at the shop some night this break?" 

"That would be amazing! Just let me know what night. Anyways, thank you for driving me here. I will let you know later when I am going to be home." I say before getting out of the car. I grab my crutches and hobble to Oak's apartment room. 

I knock on the door and when he opens it he laughs at me. 

"Aw look at tough little Olivia with her crutches." He says to me. 

"Are you gonna let me in or make me stand out here all day?" I say annoyed. 

He gestures dramatically for me to come in and I laugh as I enter the room. Oak and Daveed are playing rap music loudly and have all the ingredients for cookies laid out on the kitchen counter. They have one of their phones set up against a wall and Daveed is talking to it. 

"What's going on?" I ask him as I enter the kitchen. 

"Olivia, come say hey to the periscope!" Daveed says. I walk over to him and see that indeed they are periscoping. 

"Hey, everyone!" I say to the phone. 

"Alright let's get started!" Oak says in a high pitched girly voice. We all wash our hands and get out a mixing bowl. 

"Ok, cripple. Give me your crutches, you can sit on the counter." Daveed says. I giggle a little and hand him my crutches. He grabs me by my waist and hoists me onto the counter beside the phone.I pour in the packet of cookie mix and Daveed gets out a box of eggs.

I begin to mix in some of the ingredients but am stopped when Daveed throws a pinch of flour on my face. My jaw drops open and I can hear Daveed and Oak laughing loudly. I grab a handful of flour and throw it back at Daveed. Soon we are all covered in flour and have somehow managed to get the cookies in the oven. We talk with the people on periscope until our cookies have finished cooking, we end the broadcast and sit on the couch as they cool down. 

"How is Anthony?" I ask the two of them, "I haven't talked to him in a while." 

"He found out that Jazz and Gregory were dating, apparently it hit him kind of hard. I thought he was over her." Oak tells me. My heart drops when I think about him liking her and not me.

"We could ask him to come over." Daveed offers. 

I shake my head and say, "That's okay. He's probably busy anyways." 

They strike up a conversation that I don't really have anything to do with so I sit and play with my phone for a while. I get a text from Anthony a few minutes later. 

Anthony: Come over tonight? I miss you, Olivia.

Me: When? 

Anthony: 6? 

Me: Okay (: 

I hang out with Oak and Daveed for a few more hours, we eat cookies and watch some movie. 6 o'clock comes around and I ask Daveed to drive me to Anthony's apartment. I shoot Lin a text letting him know where I am going. 

We get to his apartment and I thank him for the ride. I walk up to Anthony's apartment and knock on the door. 

He opens it and says, "Hey, come in. Let me help you." 

He is the first person to fuss over my broken leg, it feels good that he cares. He helps me over the couch and sits down next to me. 

"How are you?" I ask him, rubbing my thumb against my palm. 

"Been better. How are you?" He asks. I shrug and smile at him. 

"What do you want to do?" I ask him. 

"I have a few ideas." 

Hello everyone, I am so motivated to write ahhh. I really am in a writing mood and it feels like summer and I love it. 

I hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter. Credit to Rhayla and Emily for giving me the idea to have Olivia bake with Daveed and Oak!! Love you guys! 

Love you, enough said. 

- aibhlinn 

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