twenty four

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Have you ever had a dream where you just desperately wanted it to be real because of how good it was. Well take that feeling times 100 right now. I began to cry. I would never get out of here!

Why did I wake up? I never wake up in the middle of the night. I heard footsteps above me. Maybe it was that what woke me up.

All of a sudden I hear a gunshot go off.


[Olivia's POV]

I start to freak out a little, what just happened? That was a gun right? I can't be hallucinating.

Another shot gets fired.

It's silent.

I want to yell and find out what's happening? Did John shoot Timothy and Trish? Did someone get into the house?

I hear footsteps running through the house and the front door occasionally opening and closing. I wish I knew what was happening up there.

What if Lin had tried to come and save me but was shot. Oh god, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I hear the door to the basement jiggle and then open. A pair of footsteps coming downstairs. Is it John? Is he coming down to kill me?

"Olivia?" I hear a voice say from the bottom of the stairs. I look over and see a man in an FBI jacket.

"Please help me!" I yell to him, "They tied me up I can't leave!"

The man runs to me and begins cutting through the rope with a knife. Finally my hands are free.

He picks me up and carries me up the stairs.

"Who got shot? Is everyone ok? Oh god, Lin.. Is he alive?" I ask him.

"They are all ok. When we came into the house, John came down and attempted to shoot one of the officers, he missed and tried again. He had no bullets left. Lin and Anthony didn't even come in the house, we didn't let them." He explains.

"Where is John now?" I ask.

"He is in the back of a cop car being taken to prison now. You don't have to worry anymore, he is gone." He says.

He carries me out of the house and I see Lin and Anthony waiting outside of a car. They look terrified, but once they see me their eyes light up and their shoulders relax.

The officer let's me down and I sprint to them. Lin grabs my shoulders and pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

"I was so scared," I cry into Lin's shoulder. "I thought you had gotten hurt when I heard the gun shots."

"I'm ok. You're ok. Everything is ok now." He whispers in my ear. I slip away from Lin and Anthony pulls me into a hug.

His strong arms comfort me, his hands running through my hair. I am shaking so badly.

"It's ok baby, you're ok. You are safe now. I got you." He says to me.

Hello everyone! This chapter is pretty short but I just wanted to update so you guys wouldn't hate me (:

Thank you so much for 600 reads and 10o votes! That is seriously unreal, you guys seriously make me so happy when you vote and comment on my story. I love waking up to all of your guys' reactions to my chapters

- aibhlinn

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