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As I am driving home my heart drops in my stomach. Oh no. I forgot about one very important thing.

What am I going to tell Vanessa?


[Lin's POV]

Vanessa took the news surprisingly well. She really wants to meet Olivia, I told she will someday but for now she needs time to process everyone she has already met.

The one thing that gets me through stressful days like these is my son. Sebastian. He is the reason I am doing all of this for, him and my wife, I want to make them proud of me.

I offer to put Sebastian down for the night so that my wife can have some time to herself. She is a lawyer and I know that she gets stressed easily.

Sebastian falls asleep quickly and I go out and open a bottle of wine to share with my wife.

I wish I could say that the night was stress free and simple, but that would be a lie. Olivia was on my mind the entire night. Was she ok? Is she having fun with Anthony? Has she had another panic attack?

I went to bed with her still on my mind.

[Anthony's POV]

Olivia was acting sort of shy when she first came to my apartment but thank God she became more comfortable. I don't know if I would have survived an awkward night.

We kept the conversation away from everything that has been going on and instead talked and laughed about the most random things. Her laugh is so contagious, as well as her smile. I truly enjoy her company.

We were just hanging out on my small love seat couch when she asked me about Hamilton.

"So, what even is Hamilton?" She asked me.

I began to describe the musical, how Lin thought of it, and just the usual things people want to know.

"Who do you play?" She asks.

"I have 2 characters. The first is John Laurens who is one of Hamilton's friends, and the second is Phillip Hamilton, who is his Hamilton's son." I explain.

"It seems interesting, but kind of weird. I mean I would have never associated a founding father with rap!" She laughs.

"That's a common reaction. Would you like to listen to the cast album? I have it on my phone." I suggest.

She nods and slides closet to me, our legs just barely touching. I turn on my phone and go to my music, pressing play on the first song.

She seemed to be enjoying it, and I couldn't help but sing along to my parts in the songs.

2 hours later, we reached the end of musical.

"That was.. wow. You are a great singer." She compliments me.

"Thank you." I feel a little embarrassed, I always feel awkward when people compliment me.

"Um, do you think I could use your shower? I think I still have dried blood on me and it's disgusting." She says.

"Oh, ya of course." I say getting up and leading her to my room.

"Here you can wear these when you get out of the shower." I say handing her one of my t-shirts that said 'Got Hamilton?' and a pair of black Nike shorts that my sister left at my apartment a few months ago.

"Thank you but I have to ask.. why do you have these shorts?" She laughs a little holding up the very small shorts.

"They're my sisters!" I say in between laughter.

The bathroom is connected to my bedroom so I lead her into it.

"Ok well I don't have any women's stuff but you can use mine." I say, I hope she won't mind.

"Thank you, Anthony." I nod and close the door behind me as I leave.

Hello everyone, I apologize for this chapter being short and kind of boring. I haven't had any motivation to write today and I feel horrible but I will make it up to you guys by staying up all night making chapters for tomorrow.

Better news : I have a lot planned for this story. The book has a lot more to come, with lots of drama for everyone who is like me and lives off of drama, fluff for the people that like to feel their hearts dying of cuteness, and sadness because it makes a story great. This story will continue for a long time!

I literally know how I want this story to finish, like I have the last line haha. I just have to fill in the middle! And I have plans to make a second book so get pipped!

Again, I am so sorry for the lack of good writing today :(

- aibhlinn

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