one hundred twelve

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I can't even believe that he would just say that so I read it probably fifty times before screaming and throwing my phone across the room and hearing it shatter.

"I hate him!" I scream into my pillow. 


[Anthony's POV]

I miss her so much, my heart is breaking knowing how sad she is right now. I want to be with her but I can't because then Rose will expose us and that will be one more thing that Olivia will have to deal with. The Hamilton fans will go crazy and they will never approve of us, not that that matters but the hate that will come with it.. I can't let that happen to her. 

"Let me see your phone." Rose demands from the other side of my couch. She looks through mine and Olivia's messages and says, "God, she is so pathetic." and throws me my phone back. 

I need to see Olivia, but how am I supposed to do that without Rose finding out. Knowing what she has already done, she would probably track my phone and see that I went to visit her. I don't care what the risk is, I have to see her. 

"Hey, Rose. I'm going to head to the mall to get you something special, is that alright?" I ask her, hoping that she falls for it. 

"Fine, but don't be long." She says, looking at her nails. God, how did I even like her in the beginning? Maybe she was just a replacement for Olivia that would never feel like her. 

I purposely leave my phone on the couch and grab my keys and head out the door. I practically run through the building and start my car right as I jump in the car. I have to see her, I have to tell her what's going on. I love her, I can't breathe if she is unhappy. 

I arrive at the hospital and ask for her room and stand outside of it for a minute. What am I going to see? She probably looks so small and defeated. I don't want to see her like that and I know she doesn't want me to see her like that but I have to explain everything. 

I take a deep breath and push the door open open. She is laying in the hospital with short sleeves for the first time in months, I see the pink lines that go up and down her arms. How could I not have seen them until just recently? She was fighting this for so long. She didn't even hear me come in, she is playing music through headphones and her eyes are closed. She looks so small, how did I not notice how much weight she was losing? I'm with her all the time, I should've known. 

"Olivia?" I say and she opens her eyes and pulls out the headphones. 

"Get out." She says bluntly and pulls the blanket over her scars. 

"You don't have to hide those from me.. Look, Olivia I need to talk to you." I say softly.

"I don't give a shit about what you have to say to me! Get the hell away from me!" She screams at me. 

"Olivia.." I try again. 

"Get out of her Anthony! I never want to see you again!" She screams. 

A nurse rushes in here and tries to pull me through the door as Olivia keeps yelling at me, "How could you do that to me? You were playing with me the entire time, weren't you? I hate you, Anthony!" 

The nurse closes the door and she says to me, "Sir, I need you to leave the building." 

I bite my lip and nod, fighting tears. She is never going to forgive me for this. She hates me, and now I hate me too. 

Hello everyone, you really thought that I would fix all the drama so quickly? Nope, I am going to tear your hearts in two. But I hope you liked it! 

I love you more than Anthony loves Olivia.. If that's possible.

- aibhlinn

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