fifty three

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I did something that even surprised myself. I scooted closer to her side of the couch and I hugged her.


[Olivia's POV]

We talked for a little while after she stopped crying, we pushed through the awkwardness. We caught up on all that has happened since that night at the party, we completely avoided the topic. It was going to be one of those things that we just wont talk about.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw a message.

OAK : Come home? Anthony has been sulking all day and I am soooooo bored!

I laugh and put my phone away and say to Spencer, "I have to go, I'm glad I came today. Hopefully we can get over everything that's happened and try to be friends. Oh, and Spencer I hope you know that I support you, whoever you are, and whoever you love." I smile and leave the shop.

I get home and find Oak sitting outside of my room.

"Hey, what's up?" I say, walking towards him.

"Is Anthony ok? He has been acting weird all day." He asks.

I guess Anthony hasn't told them the news yet, "No idea, he hasn't said anything to me." I lied. He can deal with this himself.

Oak and I go in my room to watch a show on his phone. He gets on netflix and I pick out 'Psych', it is my favorite shows. It is so funny, the character Shawn never fails to make me laugh. A few more people come up to my room to join us, they bring food from the table set up downstairs for the cast. A full episode later it is no longer just Oak and I in my bed. Thayne, Pippa, Sasha, and Andrew have joined us. Surprisingly, not the most amount of people that have been on this bed at one time. I wish Jazzy was with us.

We all hang out and eat food, we ditch the show and just talk for a while.

"Did you guys notice Anthony today? He's acting so weird, just sitting in his dressing room alone." Pippa says.

"He's finally cracked, all actors do." Andrew says.

"Olivia, you were with him this morning, did you notice anything weird?" Sasha asks me. I shake my head no.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, I need to ask Lin something." I say standing up and leaving them.

I walk to Anthony's dressing room. I swing open the door and find him laying on the floor with his headphones in. I pull one of them out of his ear and he sits up looking at me. I say, "Anthony, you better tell people about Jazzy because I am not going to keep lying for you saying 'Oh I don't know what's wrong with him, I'm sure he's fine!' or 'I don't know, Jazzy didn't tell me why she left.' It isn't fair of you to put me in this position. So you either tell them or the next time they ask, I will tell them the truth."

I storm out of his room ignoring him calling my name.

I run back up to my room. I guess I look mad or flustered because Thayne jumps up and says, "Olivia are you ok?"

"Anthony isn't fine. He broke up with Jazzy last night." I say. They all looked at me shocked, then their gaze shifts behind me and is replaced by fear.

I turn around and see Anthony, he looks disappointed. Disappointed in me. He turns around and leaves.

Hello everyone, I love Anthony Ramos more than I love myself. That is all. Also I very much enjoy Thayne Jasperson's existence, he liked my tweet today yay. Oh and I hope that the last part of this chapter made you as sad as it did me like NO ANTHONY I LOVE YOU, DONT BE DISAPPOINTED IN ME LETS ELOPE AND HAVE 2 KIDS.

Ok aibh, you gotta chill girl.

- aibhlinn

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